- Finally, it concreteillustrates and analyzes the parameter such as IGBT's parameter table and curve in using. 最后,以实际使用的IGBT模块的参数表、参数曲线为例,进行参数的具体说明和分析。
- Based on S's parameter of reflectometer, the general design proposal of six port reflectometer is introduced and established the design quota. 在通过对反射计的S参数进行分析的基础上,介绍了一个六端口反射计的通用设计方案,并确立了设计指标;
- The scheduler’s parameter, which also reflects the performance, is determined under some certain arrival process, with an example of Poisson arrival. 该实现形式中参数的确定方法也在给定到达过程分布的条件下给出,并以泊松到达为例进行了分析。
- This graph has important instructiviy function.By use the software to count the pure coniform ultrasonic horn’s parameter, we can rapidly and accurately obtain the results. 论文第三章对聚能器固有频率的有限元解法做一般性的推导,定性判断影响聚能器固有频率的因素,为聚能器的修正设计提供参考基础。
- Relating inverter main circuit and IGBT's parameter, it analyzes IGBT's operation andprotection in arc welding inverter, and stresses important affect of driving circuit. 结合逆变主电路和IGBT管参数特性,对IGBT管在弧焊逆变器中的使用和保护作了分析,强调了使用时驱动电路的重要作用。
- In order to predigest the procedure of the protocol controller"s parameters configuration, the test application program provides the special computing module for the configuration parameters. 此外,为了简化专用协议控制器参数的配置过程,测试应用程序还提供了专门的配置参数估计模块。
- In communications, to reduce a signal' s parameter, such as bandwidth, amplitude variation, duration, and so on, but with the preservation of the basic information content and purpose. 在通信技术中,减少信号的参数或特征值,如带宽、幅度变化、持续时间等。但该信号的基本信息内容和用途保持不变。
- In chapter 5, the design of oscillator is discussed. First introduced the condition of how to make circuit oscillate and keep stabilization. And compared the advantage and shortcoming of design oscillator with S parameter or Bessel Function method. 第五章主要是讨论了射频前端关键模块本振源振荡器的设计,分析了反馈振荡器的起振、平衡条件,比较了用晶体管S参数和时域贝塞尔函数法设计振荡器的优缺点,最后以科尔皮兹型振荡器为例用ADS软件进行设计仿真,给出了设计结果。
- At the same time, this paper has analyzed microstirp antenna using MoM. Input impedance, radiation field and S parameter have been calculated by microstrip patch current got using MoM. 同时对微带天线进行了矩量法分析,通过计算微带贴片表面电流来求微带天线的输入阻抗、方向图、S 参数等特性参数。
- The whole system is calibrated separately by parts. From MILO to microwave receiving hom, the special system is simplified to be a two-port network and its S parameter is measured to calculate the attenuation factor a. 对于微波功率的标定问题,我们根掘实验条件,将整个系统划分为几个部分分别进行了标定,包括:从MILO到接收喇叭组成的特定系统,将该特定系统简化为一双口网络,并测量出了其S参数,从而计算出与频率密切相关的衰减量a;
- I is seen that the S parameter of core part in YSZ thin film decrease with the temperature of annealing increasing while the width of transition part in YSZ thin film narrows with the temperature of annealing increasing. 研究发现 :YSZ膜心部区 S参数随退火温度升高而降低 ; YSZ膜的过渡区宽度随退火温度升高而变窄 ;
- Noise parameters at the C-band and s parameters at the C/S band for WC50 low noise GaAs FET are provided. 给出了国产WC50型低噪声砷化镓场效应晶体管在C波段的噪声参数及在C、S波段的s参数。
- We could relax the procedure slightly in your case. 我们可以根据你的情况通融一些。
- GGA generalizes SGA and 4GA.When GGA's parameters configured, more kinds of GAs may be designed. 广义遗传算法概括了基本遗传算法和加速遗传算法,对它的参数进行不同设定时,可以设计出更多种类的遗传算法。
- The modes of procedure are various and many. 手续繁琐复杂,不一而足。
- Applying the model in the simulation of nuclear power system,the OTSG's parameters can be found rapidly and accurately. 该模型应用于核动力系统的仿真,能够快速得到直流蒸汽发生器相关参数数值。
- The law warrants this procedure. 这一程序是法律批准的。
- The results show that the shock planarity has strong relationship with the LA's parameters, plane target's thickness and target's position. 结果表明,冲击波的平面性与透镜阵列参数、平面靶厚度、靶面位置等有关,采用列阵元数为121的透镜阵列进行激光束匀滑驱动的冲击波平面性最好,间接说明它在靶面的激光辐照是最均匀的;
- Abstract: The accurate mathematical model of WIM is difficu lt to establish because WIM's parameters change with time when they work. 摘要:动态称重系统在测量的过程中为一时变系统,难以对称重系统建立精确的数学模型。
- A value used to evaluate a procedure or subroutine. 自变量,变元一数值,用于确定程序或子程序的值