- /proc文件系统 /proc filesystem
- 声明为final的变量不能用作减量运算符的操作数。 A variable that is declared final cannot be used as the operand of a decrement operator.
- proc_nice()-修改当前进程的优前级 Proc_nice() - Change the priority of the current process
- 形态变化包括两个方面:形态格(morphological case)和动词的性数一致词缀(verbal agreement inflection)。 Morphological change concerns two respects, morphological case on nouns and agreement inflection on verbs.
- final关键字允许你标记方法,使得继承类不能载入它们。 The final keyword allows you to mark methods so that an inheriting class can't overload them.
- 型集群lm_sensors/proc文件系统 /proc file system
- 使用final可防止派生类通过重写重要的函数而更改此类的行为。 Using final prevents derived classes from changing the behavior of the class by overriding important functions.
- PROC NEAR命令的标签是函数名的修饰形式。 The label for the PROC NEAR command is the decorated form of the function name.
- 这些final属性是可选的,因为使用的可能不是green-field数据库。 These final attributes are optional, since you might not be using a green-field database.
- 第一个Call语句访问派生类中隐藏的proc。 The first Call statement accesses the shadowing proc in the derived class.
- Fillmore提出的格语法理论认为:一个句子由动词或具有动词性质的形容词或名词(verbal forces)以及动词的格构成,且动词与其格的关系是相互依附、相互制约的。 Fillmore, who holds that a sentence is composed of verbs or verbal forces and their cases which condition each other.
- Proc_Test_Defaults存储过程可使用多种组合执行。 The Proc_Test_Defaults stored procedure can be executed in many combinations.
- 需要为异步套接字服务器实现的final方法是返回客户端发送的数据的读取回调方法。 The final method that needs to be implemented for the asynchronous socket server is the read callback method that returns the data sent by the client.
- 如果一个类使用final修饰符来标记,则可用new运算符来创建该类的实例,但该类不能用作基类。 If a class is marked with the final modifier, instances of the class can be created with the new operator, but the class cannot serve as a base.
- 未格式化的源文本存储在相同系统表中的proc_defn、trigger_defn和view_defn列内。 Unformatted source text is stored in the same system tables, in the columns proc_defn, trigger_defn, and view_defn.
- 当REMOTE_PROC_TRANSACTIONS为OFF时,远程存储过程调用不能成为本地事务的一部分。 When REMOTE_PROC_TRANSACTIONS is OFF, remote stored procedure calls are not made part of a local transaction.
- 应用奥地利大型岩土工程数值仿真分析软件FINAL[1],对马来西亚BAKUN水电站8条引水隧洞的三种开挖顺序进行了模拟施工过程的三维有限元仿真分析。 For optimizing the excavation sequence for the 8 power tunnels of Malaysia Bakun Power Station, a series of intensive 3 D FEM analysis is carried out by the geotechnical FEM software "FINAL" introduced from Austrian.
- 一水接天,风帆隐隐
- “他去年近大考的时候忽然写信给我,我一个字没理他,他一封一封的信来。"Last year around the time of the final examinations he suddenly wrote me a letter. I didn't write a single word in reply, but he still kept on writing me letter after letter.
- 与本系统相关的主要技术有Proc文件系统的研究与编程、XML相关技术的研究与编程、FTP协议的研究与在采集系统中的应用、多线程编程思想。 Main technology correlating with this system has research and programming of Proc file system, research and programming of XML relevant technology, FTP protocol research of agreement with how is it apply to collection system , programming thought of many thread.