- In other words, weapons and equipment are procure on-site. 换句话说;武器装备都要就地寻获才行.
- Both sides had some sophisticated weapons and equipment. 交战双方都拥有一些最先进的武器装备。
- New to the expansion pack is weapon and equipment progression. 资料片中的新加入了武器和装备的级别。
- primary weapons and equipment 主要武器和装备
- Can be used to earn the money to buy more powerful weapons and equipment. 可以用赚来的钱购买更强的武器装备。
- Artillery troops are trained to operate their weapons and equipment. 炮兵部队的训练,是使炮兵能够操作使用他们的武器装备。
- The weapon and equipment procurement system is being gradually reformed. 武器装备采购制度改革逐步深化。
- But now the warring parties have the most advanced weapons and equipment. 但现在交战双方都拥有最先进的武器装备。
- In parts of Northern France, farmers still plough up shell fragments, weapons and equipment. 在法国北部一些地方,农民犁地仍可犁出弹片,武器和装备。
- In parts of Northern France,farmers still plough up shell fragments,weapons and equipment. 在法国北部一些地方,农民犁地仍可犁出弹片,武器和装备。
- This should also be the first on the road do not have to upgrade weapons and equipment Contra. 这个也应该是第一部不用路途上升级武器装备的魂斗罗。
- On the basis of our steadily expanding economy,we must improve the army's weapons and equipment and speed up the modernization of our national defence. 我们一定要在国民经济不断发展的基础上,改善武器装备,加速国防现代化。
- Marine Corps vehicles and battle tanks are being ground to dust, new types of weapons and small craft are needed, and equipment for the Navy Seabees must be replaced quickly. 海军陆战队的装甲车和主战坦克日益老旧,新式武器和小型装备的需求呈现,另外海军工程部队的装备也需要尽快更新。
- Cargo chutes dropped with weapons and equipment are colored distinctively to facilitate their prompt and easy recognition while in the air. 空投武器和装备的投物伞是彩色的,以便迅速发现和在空中就能识别。
- Akhmetov said that Kazakhstan is currently in the military in transition, working with the latest high-tech, high-precision weapons and equipment unit. 艾哈迈托夫说,哈萨克斯坦军队目前正处于转型期,致力于用最新型的高技术、高精度武器装备部队。
- Such problems only increased Rommel's reliance on the Waffen-SS, which had first call on replacement manpower, new weapons and equipment. 这些问题使得隆美尔更加信任武装党卫队因为他们有着更好的人员配置,新式武器和装备。
- Systems are the management guarantee of weapons and equipment, those include laws and policy, standards, science regulars and experiences. 制度是武器装备的管理保障,包括法律政策保障、标准保障、科学规律保障和国外经验借鉴。
- Lightly armoured in leather and equipped with a hand weapon and a lance. 这些轻枪骑兵身穿皮甲,装备骑枪和单手短兵刃。
- The soldiers were well equipped with weapons and ammunition. 士兵们装备好了武器和弹药。
- The second section is the U-Boat Reference which portrays technical details of the submarines and their weapons and equipment. 第二章介绍U型潜艇,从潜艇技术性能以及武器和装备入手。