- primary mental deficiency 先天性心智不足
- John suffered from mental deficiency from the point of view of a doctor. 从医生的观点看来约翰患有智力缺陷。
- In spite of mental deficiency,Zhouzhou can conduct a large orchestra. 尽管弱智;但洲洲却能够 指挥大型管弦乐队.
- Mental deficiency, or feeBle-mindedness, is an arrested development of the Brain. 智力缺陷,或者称作弱智,是一种大脑发育受阻的现象。
- Mental deficiency, or feeb le-mindedness, is an arrested development of the brain. 智力缺陷,或者称作弱智,是一种大脑发育受阻的现象。
- One that is physically or mentally deficient. 有缺陷的人身心不健全的人
- It manifests itself in underdeveloped testicles, a low level of testosterone, a growth of breasts, disproportionate arms and legs, infertility and an increased likelihood of mental deficiency. 患者表现为睾丸发育不良,雄性激素水平低,乳房发育,有不成比例的上下肢,不能生育和可能有渐进发展的智力缺陷。
- G.OJohnson. (1950), A Study of the Social Position of Mentally Handicapped Children in the Regular Grades, American Jrl. of Mental Deficiency, (55), 60-89. 陈文枝等(1977);台北市中山国小学习迟缓儿童在资源班与普通班中国语、数学二科学习成绩之比较研究;台北市:中山国小.
- A mentally deficient person; an idiot. 白痴智力缺陷的人;傻瓜
- Chicago Test of Primary Mental Abilities 芝加哥心理能力测验
- american association on mental deficiency 美国心理缺陷协会
- The purpose of this activity is to collect funds for the children with mental deficiencies. 这次活动的目的是为福利院里的低能儿筹集善款。
- Deaf people are sometimes treated as being mentally deficient. 耳聋的人有时被看作智力不健全。
- The Focal Point of the Primary Mental Health Education 小学生心理健康教育的重点
- A mentally deficient person is one who is weak-minded. 一个智力上不足的人是个低能的人。
- Keywords veins of toe;veins of metatarsus;mental deficiency; 关键词趾纹;跖纹;智力残疾;
- The disease is still in its primary stage. 这疾病仍然在初发阶段。
- International Association for Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency 国际智利缺陷科学研究协会
- The little boy left primary school at eleven. 这个小男孩十一岁时小学毕业。
- Sure. We are friends since primary school. 当然,我们从小学就是朋友了。