- They banked up the river to prevent flood. 他们筑河堤防止水灾。
- The dam backs up the water to prevent flood . 大坝拦住水以防其泛滥。
- The dam backs up the water to prevent flood. 大坝拦住水以防其泛滥。
- They banked up the river to prevent flood . 他们筑河堤防止水灾。
- We have banked up the river to prevent flooding. 我们已沿河筑堤以防河水泛滥。
- The seawall is utilized for preventing flood and tide at the Qiantang Estuary. 钱塘江海塘为钱塘江河口防洪、潮江堤的习称,从土塘到石塘到现代标准海塘,历经两次大的飞跃。
- At about 4 pm, we were close to the bit mound for preventing flood; we bought food and water at a bower. 走到4点过快到防洪大堤了,在一个凉亭补充了食物和水。
- This dam backs up the water to prevent floods. 这个坝可以拦住水,以防泛滥。
- Preventing flood is a very important work.In them,underground exploring and permeating water accident are tow important work,so we must do them well. 预防和治理水灾是一项非常重要的工作。其中井下探水和透水事故处理是两项重要工作,必须认真作好预防和治理工作。
- The river was deviated to prevent flooding. 为了防止河水泛滥,那条河被改道了。
- Does building levees prevent floods? 盖堤防就可防水灾吗?
- The villagers banked up the river to prevent flooding. 村民们在河边筑堤以防河水泛滥。
- The PLA men have made great efforts to prevent flood water from washing toward dykes and dams so as to protect the safety of lives and properties of the people. 人民解放军战士作出了巨大的努力防止洪水向堤坝冲去,以保护人民群众的生命和财产安全。
- In flood control dams it is not only the failure to prevent flood larger than their design carrying capacity, but also the uncertainties of hydraulic factors that cause disasters. 防洪堤坝不仅在河道洪水超过设计泄洪能力时才会发生防洪事故,水力因素的不确定性也会引起洪灾损失。
- Wetlands are important because they also prevent flooding. 湿地很重要,因为它们也可以防止水灾。
- LI C A, GUO G M.Function and significance of geology on preventing flood and reducing disaster-preventing flood strategy in Yangtze River [J].Advance in Earth Sciences, 2001, 16(1): 45-48. [5]李长安;郭广猛.;试论地质学在防洪减灾中的作用和意义--兼论长江防洪策略[J]
- A lot of reservoirs and dams are built to prevent floods and drought. 人类建造了水库和水坝来防洪抗旱。
- The flood cut a wide swath in this area. 洪水席卷了这一地区,满目一片疮痍。
- A flood of this sort is really unprecedented. 这样大的洪水真是十年九不遇。
- To prevent flooding; we shall have to divert the river from its course. 为防止水泛滥, 我们必须使河流偏离其河道。