- At whose blood pressure measuring is the earliest tonometer used? 最早的血压计用于测量谁的血压?
- Vapor Pressure Measurement of Supercooled Water. 超冷水水气压观测。
- Pressure measuring equipment in safety design S2 as specified in DIN 38030 for compressed air brakes in vehicles. 在安全设计S2中,压力测量装置被DIN38030标准指定用于车辆压缩空气制动。
- The hand-held pressure measuring instrument complies with the electromagnetic compatibility acc. To EN 61326. 手持式压力测量仪满足EN 61326电磁兼容性要求。
- A pressure measuring instrument NG 50 with switch contact replaces pressure switch and pressure gauge. 有开关接点的压力测量仪表径50,替代了压力开关和压力表。
- Differential pressure measuring instruments with magnetic piston and compression spring, Nominal size ND 80, with or without electric contact device. 带有磁性活塞和压缩弹簧的差动式压力测量仪表,标准尺寸表径80,有或没有电接点。
- Company leadership product including pressure measuring appliance series, reductor series, temperature measuring appliance series and so on. 公司主导产品包括压力仪表系列、减压器系列、温度仪表系列等。
- Compressed air of constant pressure and flow continually blow and sweep the sampler, reached stop-proof effect, so gain correct wind pressure measuring value. 恒压力恒流量的压缩空气不断吹扫取样头,达到防堵的效果,从而获得正确的风压测量值。
- Inductive alarm contacts operate without physical contact and thus have no unfavourable effects on the pressure measuring system while having an unlimited service life. 感应警报接点没有物理接点,所以对压强测量系统没有反作用,这样就有了无限的使用寿命。
- Top quality balances are needed to document and provide the mechanical and electronic measuring accuracy that is required in precision pressure measuring equipment. 在一些精密压力测量设备中,需要通过最高端的压力秤,来记录和提供机械式或电子式的测量精度。
- The gas density shall be of acombined pressure measuring instrument pressure sensitive poential free electrical alarm contacts functions in one single instrument. 气体的浓度是从一个综合压力测量仪中测到的,其中有一个单独仪器中使用的无电势压敏电子报警器接头。
- The connection line between the load cell and pressure measuring device is a rigid tube for direct assembly and a flexible tube for other kinds of assembly. 连接压力计和压强测量仪器的连接线是一根能直接装配的刚性管以及一根用于其它安装类型的软管。
- Using 24 bits A/D converter, It realize the high precise pressure measure. 采用24位高精度A/D转换器等器件实现了高精度的压力测量。
- With MDT pressure measurements and samples, oil-testing beds may be a... 对于油气水关系复杂的油(气)藏,通过MDT测压及取样,可以准确选择试油层位,加快勘探进程;
- Differential pressure measuring instruments with electric contacts are suitable for controlling and regulating process sequences by means of the given process pressure. 有电接点的差动式压力测量仪表适用于根据给定生产压力,控制和调节工艺步骤。
- Differential pressure measuring instruments with electric microswitches are suitable for controlling and regulating process sequences by means of the given process pressure. 有电子微开关的差动式压力测量仪表适用于根据给定生产压力,控制和调节工艺步骤。
- The unique methodology of intraocular pressure measuring through the eyelid applied in the device provides new resources in ophthalmotonometry, simplicity and safety of tests. 本仪器应用通过眼睑测量眼内压的独特方法为眼压测量提供了新资源,简单,检测安全。
- These hydraulic load cells are used in combination with a pressure measuring device to measure forces. 这些液压测量元件要与压强测量装置联合使用来测量力。
- Urodynamical inspection: including fulling urinary bladder pressure measurement, static urethral pressure chart description, LPP determination. 尿动力学检查:检查项目依次为充盈性膀胱测压,静态尿道压力图测定、漏尿点压测定。
- In a multiple regression model, age and systolic blood pressure measured at home were positively correlated with AIx. 将增强指数作为因变量 ,年龄、身高、心率、家访时的收缩压及舒张压作为自变量进行多元回归分析显示 ,受试者年龄及收缩压与增强指数呈显著的正相关。