- Energy, work, or power used to drive a machine. 能量,功用于驱动机器的能量,功或能
- The smart meters will also allow small energy producers to sell electricity back to ESB and allow householders to manage their power use to cut costs. 智能公尺,也让小的能源生产国,以出售电力回到玉山,并让户主来管理他们的权力使用,以降低成本。
- There's even a worse kind of politically correct usage though. Sometimes the government or other people in power use politically correct terms to obfuscate the truth. 还有比那更糟糕的所谓的高雅用语,它们经常被一些政府官员或其它人当作掩盖事实真相的工具。
- In case of finding the act to steal electric power on the scene, a power co umption i ector shall stop it, make a written note on the i ection of power use, and keep evidence. 对于现场发现的窃电行为,用电检查人员应当予以制止,并制作用电检查笔录,保存证据。
- The daylighting application can not only be applied to save the lighting power use , it also can reduce the lighting appliance produce heat to make air-condition load. 摘要:自然采光的运用不但能节省照明用电的需求量,另一方面亦可降低了因照明器具所衍生之热负荷所造成的空调用电。
- Tears are a form of feminine water power used to overcome masculine will power. 眼泪是女性用来征服男性意志力的水力。
- Is a fluid source of power used in a large number of commercial robots. 是在很多商业机器人中使用的流体动力的名称。
- "The introduction of liquefied petroleum gas, electrical power use, the heating cooking stove, no electricity, fire protection pipe hidden ancient times threaten the security of the building. “液化气的引入、大功率电器的使用、取暖做饭的炉火、无铁管保护的电线等火险隐患时刻威胁着古建筑的安全。”
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- Pneumatics is the name for fluid power used in a large number of commercial robots. 气体力学是在大量商业机器人中使用的流体动力的名称。
- Polarity of the video signal is designed to minimize the amount of power used to transmit sync. 同时,我们在地面广播中到目前也没有传送高清电视信号的版本。
- The generator (APU) provide AC power using an alternator that supplies 115 volts at 400 Hz frequency. 发电使用一个交流发电机;提供115伏频率为400赫兹的交流电.
- Jiminy Peak says it is the only mountain resort in North America to produce its own power using wind energy. JiminyPeak说它是美国北方唯一的一家自己利用风能发电的滑雪场。
- This NEW idiom software by Pronunciation Power uses memorable and unique pictures to aid you in remembering your idioms! 语音神推出的新型习语软件使用独特易记的图片帮助您记住习语!
- Clockless ARM chip watches power use 无时钟芯片强大应用
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- These projects help countries generate power using renewable energy resources or increase their capacity to absorb greenhouse gases, primarily by expanding their forest cover. 这些项目帮助各国利用可再生能源发电,或提高他们吸收温室气体的能力,主要方法是扩大其森林的覆盖率。
- James unleashed his power on Susan in revenge. 杰姆斯利用权力报复苏珊。
- Feasibility analysis of the cogeneration system of heat and power used in margin block of Zhongyuan Oilfield is performed and pilot study of key equipment, i. 根据微燃机冷热电联供的优化配置步骤及考虑因素,对微燃机冷热电联供系统的几种方案进行了研究。