- Dawn is a powerful symbol of rebirth and renewal. 黎明是恢复与新生的有力标志。
- It was a powerful symbol of the despotic monarchy under which the people of France suffered. 它是令法国人深受磨难的专制君主制的一个强烈象征。
- Despite its accidental provenance, the crack serves as a powerful symbol of the divided nation that Lincoln was striving to unify. 留下这条划痕虽然是个意外,但它被视为林肯致力于统一的国家分裂状态的重大象征。
- Hamas will now galvanise support using the most powerful symbol possible, a martyr whose face was already a national totem. 一些仔细观察激进穆斯林的人士称,哈马斯将利用他们最强有力的民族烈士的死唤起更大的支持。
- Another argument may be persuasive too.The Beeb is a powerful symbol of British culture at home, where unifying institutions grow ever thinner on the ground, and abroad. 也许另一个事例比较有说服力,无论是在本土还是在海外,Beeb都是英国文化的最有力的象征。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- This power symbolizes the declining power in the process of the old world developing towards a new world, and it is involved in a conflict with the centralized economic power. 这种权力所象征的是旧世界向新世界迈进过程中,逐步没落的权力,并且与指环代表的经济集权产生纠葛。
- The personalization and secularization of the City God caused urban people to consider the City God as a powerful symbol of resistance against the authority of the local officials and gentry. 因之城隍神在人格化形象与世俗化仪式的配合下,影响了明清时代一般百姓(甚至下层士人)观念,认为城隍神就是抗衡阳问官方或是乡绅的最佳象徵。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- James unleashed his power on Susan in revenge. 杰姆斯利用权力报复苏珊。
- Dragon is regarded as a symbol of power. 龙被看作是权力的象征。
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业需耗费大量的电力。
- There was a power cut and all the lights went out. 因停电所有的灯都熄灭了。
- A new nuclear power station is on the stocks here. 这座新的核电站在建造之中。
- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我们说功率就是指做功的速率。
- The media have a lot of power today. 现在大众传播媒介有很大的力量。
- The medicine did his stomachache a power of good. 这种药对他的胃痛疗效显著。
- He values himself on his conversational power. 他常夸耀自己的交谈能力。
- He succeeded in worming himself into power. 他成功地爬进了掌权阶层。