- Because of the rate of OLTC is changeable, the solving power equation method is different from the traditional N-L method. 由于OLTC的变比是变化的,因此在对其进行潮流计算时使用了和一般牛顿-拉夫逊法有所区别的潮流计算方法。
- power equation method 功率方程法
- Lee, H. J. and Lee, H. W., “Deriving the Generalized Rocket Kinetic Power Equations and Associated Propulsion Indexes”, JSME International Journal, 42, 1999, pp.127-136. 吴彦贤,“带缆气压水箭推进动力分析”,国立中兴大学机械工程研究所硕士论文,2003。
- The calculation can use two different ways,that is:Transposition Zernike Coefficients Method and Extended Simultaneous Equations Method. 提出两种处理方法 :即变换系数法和扩展了的联立方程求解法。
- This paper uses the cost model method to introduce the iteration algorithm of monobasic high power equation which is convenient to use . 结合成本模型法,介绍一元高次方程的迭代解法,便于有关人员采用。
- This method not only possesses a high precision but also is figurative, speedy and handy as compared with simultaneous system of equations method and trigonometric function method. 同联立方程组法和三角函数法相比较,该方法不仅具有同样的高精度,而且更具有直观、快捷和简便的显著优点。
- In this paper, Cyclic Matrix Inversion is discussed, and two methods of cyclic Matrix Inversion (linear, equations method, adjoint matrix method) are proposed. 摘要探讨循环矩阵的求逆问题,提出求解循环矩阵的逆矩阵的两种方法,线性方程组法,伴随矩阵法。
- The rotated parabolic equation method was presented to compute the bistatic radar cross section (RCS). 并提出了旋转抛物线方程算法,实现了目标任意角度雷达散射截面的快速计算。
- Based on discharge power equation of discharge cells of tubular ozone generators, developing tendency of ozone generators is analyzed in this paper. 本文根据管式臭氧发生器放电室的电晕放电功率方程式,分析了臭氧发生器的发展趋势。
- The method was over ten times more rapid than the volumetric integral equation method. 缺陷的重构速度比用体积分方程法提高十倍以上。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- projective Rieeati equations method 投影Riccati方程法
- sequential system of linear equations method 序列线性方程组算法
- The results of the VC method had been found to have significant correlation(r>0.78, P<0.05) with the results of continuity equation method and been built the regression equations between them. 血流汇聚法与连续方程法的结果之间有明显相关性(r>0.;78;P<0
- In this paper, some especial higher power equation be enumerated, just like Binomial equation or Reciprocal equation, for people cannot fine common extract roots formula about five and above power equation. 摘要基于五次或五次以上方程没有一般通用的求根公式,本文列举了一些特殊的高次方程的解法。
- According to the constitutive relationship in linear piezoceramics, elliptical crack problems in impermeable case are analyzed with hypersingular integral equation method. 摘要在线性压电陶瓷本构关系和裂纹边界绝缘的框架下,用超奇异积分方程的方法对椭圆类片状裂纹问题进行了重新研究。
- The standard parabolic equation method was obtained by the decompocition of the scalar wave equation and the expansion of the pseudo-differential operator. 通过对传统波动方程的分解和伪微分算子的近似展开,获得了标准抛物线方程。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- A model based on matrix doubling algorithm and advanced integral equation method was implemented for active remote sensing of vegetation. 根据矩阵耦合法(Matrix Doubling)和改进的积分方程模型(AIEM),实现了一种用于植被主动微波遥感的高阶辐射传输模型。
- While Euler equation method is faster than Navier-Stokes equation method, and may shorten the time of optimal design of compressor blade. Euler 方程方法计算机时少,有望短优化周期的设计方法。