- Discriminate a Power Splitter from Power Divider Rightly 正确区分功率分离器和功率分配器
- Not equational power divider is mostly adopted to decrease the side lobe. 不等分功分器主要用来在电调天线中实现副瓣抑制。
- The power divider for ensuring two AO Q?switch synchronization and effective power driving is designed. 采用功率分配器保证两声光Q开关的同步和有效功率驱动。
- A novel Photonic-Crystal-Waveguide (PCW)-based optical power splitter is designed on the basis of the waveguide directional coupling principle. 摘要基于波导定向耦合原理设计了一种全新的光子晶体波导定向耦合光功分器。
- This type of matrix requires a power divider at each input and a multiposition switch at the outputs. 这种类型的矩阵需要在每路输入处安装一个功率分配器,以及在输出处安装一个多触点开关。
- Power divider is the indispensably part, this paper designs microstrip power divider, equational and not equational. 功分器是阵列天线馈电网络不可缺少的部分,本文设计的是微带功分器,有等分和不等分的。
- This paper presents a novel broadband waveguide E-plane Tee junction power divider,and simulates and optimizes it with HFSS. 介绍了一种新颖的E面波导T型宽带功分器结构,并利用HFSS软件对这种结构进行了优化设计。
- A new design of a UHF power divider is suggested, by which the power may be distributed to any N branches in any desired ratios. 本文提出一种超高频功率分配器的新方案,可以按任意的比例将功率分配给任意N条支路。
- In this paper, the speed ratio control principle on continuously variable unit of electromotor control equipped in power split continuously variable transmission is described. 摘要阐述了功率分流式自动变速器中电机控制式无级变速单元的速比控制原理。
- In this paper,the speed ratio control principle on continuously variable unit of electromotor control(equipped) in power split continuously variable transmission is described. 阐述了功率分流式自动变速器中电机控制式无级变速单元的速比控制原理。
- Chapter 3 describes the characteristics of each component, circuit design, layout, circuit implementation, and measurement results of power divider and attenuator. 第三章则叙述电路所使用元件之特性,电路设计与布局,以及功率分配器、衰减器之电路制作与元件量测结果。
- A number of integrated optic devices for phased-array radar systems are described including LiNbO_3 integrated-optic power splitter,electro- optic phase modulator,high dynamic range modulator,and integrated-optic Butler matrix. 本文介绍几种用于相控阵雷达的集成光学器件,包括:LiNbO_3集成光学功分器、电光相位调制器、大动态范围调制器和集成光学巴特勒矩阵。
- In the device characteristic, we obtained a power splitter with 65 percent and 35 percent output. It demonstrates that the light was reflected from reflective mirror to output port. 元件特性方面,分光器具有65:35的分光效果,这证明光经过反射镜面处能够被反射之后由输出端得到输出讯号。
- Focused on the non-linear control of magnetic powder clutch equipped in power split automatic transmission during vehicle starting, fuzzy control technology was applied to define initial field current and its change slop of magnetic powder clutch. 针对车辆起步过程中,功率分流式自动变速器中磁粉离合器控制过程的非线性性,应用模糊控制技术,确定车辆在起步过程中磁粉离合器的励磁电流初始值及电流变化率。
- Finally, the simulation analysis of two kinds of feed-in power divided systems has been made, design a microtrip power divider and a folding double-T joints. 最后就两种馈电功分系统进行了仿真分析,设计了一个八分路的微带功分器和一个折叠双T接头。
- The applications of tunable optical power splitter 可调光功率分配器的应用
- directional coupling power splitter 定向耦合分束器
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- Design of microstrip mixed wideband power divider 宽频带任意比功分器的微带线实现
- Research on high power divider with ultra-wide-band 同轴高功率超宽带功分器研究