- That is what Huang would call a beautiful face, a face not made up by powder and rouge, but by the sheer force of thinking. 那就是黄氏所谓美丽的脸孔,一个不是脂粉装扮起来的脸孔,而是纯然由思想的力量创造起来的脸孔。
- A good writer is like the sister of Yang Kueifei, who could go to see the Emperor himself without powder and rouge. 好作家如杨贵妃之妹妹,虽不涂脂抹粉,亦可与皇帝见面。
- A good writer is like the sister of Yang Kueifei,who could go to see the Emperor himself without powder and rouge. 好作家如杨贵妃之妹妹,虽不涂脂抹粉,亦可与皇帝见面。
- That is what Huang would call a beautiful face,a face not made up by powder and rouge,but by the sheer force of thinking. 那就是黄氏所谓美丽的脸孔,一个不是脂粉装扮起来的脸孔,而是纯然由思想的力量创造起来的脸孔。
- Facial make-up of powder and rouge 传粉涂朱
- With this, we corkscrew climb up and apply makeup to be worn out. 想到这,便一骨碌爬起来,梳洗打扮一下便出门了。
- "Modern cosmetics include skin-care preparations; foundation, face powder and rouge (Blusher); eye makeup; lipstick; shampoo; hair curling and straightening preparations; hair colours, dyes, and Bleaches; and nail polish." 现代新的化妆品包括护肤用品、粉底霜、香粉、胭脂、眼妆、唇膏、无皂洗发精、润发乳、烫发剂和头发舒展剂、染发剂
- "Modern cosmetics include skin-care preparations; foundation, face powder and rouge (blusher); eye makeup; lipstick; shampoo; hair curling and straightening preparations; hair colours, dyes." 现代新的化妆品包括护肤用品、粉底霜、香粉、胭脂、眼妆、唇膏、无皂洗发精、润发乳、烫发剂和头发舒展剂、染发剂
- Modern cosmetics include skin-care preparations, foundation. face powder and rouge (blusher), eye makeup, lipstick, shampoo, hair curling and straightening preparations, hair colours. dyes." 现代新的化妆品包括护肤用品.;粉底霜
- That evening the children wore lipstick and rouge, they looked like dolls. 这天晚上,孩子们都涂胭脂口红,看起来就像洋娃娃。
- He took a powder and left his mother to worry about his gambling debts. 他一走了之,而让他的母亲为他的赌债发愁。
- He took a powder and left his wife to worry about his gambling debts. 他逃之夭夭,留下他妻子为他的赌债发愁。
- Use dishwasher powder and rinse aid. 使用洗碗粉和过水增亮剂。
- Stir in chilli powder and flour. Cook for 1 minute. 加入辣椒粉和面粉,并搅拌、炒约1分钟。
- A dressing table is a chest of drawers with a mirror on top, which is used especially by women when they apply makeup. 梳妆台是一张桌子,其上方有镜子。通常是人们尤其是女性梳妆打扮时所用。
- For niobium powder and superconductors. 铌粉,超导原材料。
- Filter the powder and fry the white sesame. 糖粉过筛,白芝麻炒熟备用。
- Women who wear tastefully applied makeup appear more confident. 上了妆的女人会看起来更有自信。
- Add sugar, oil, powder and mix it. 趁热加入糖、油、面粉拌匀。
- Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. 面粉,烤粉和食盐混合过筛到盆里。