- A posse of BDR men carrying automatic rifles interrupted it. 此时,一队手持自动步枪的士兵干扰会议。
- Holding a League of Nations mandate over a territory. 受委托的受国际联盟的委托而掌管统治某地区的
- Famine plagued a score of nations. 二十来个国家遭受饥荒。
- We urge the equality of nations, big or small. 我们主张国家不分大小一律平等。
- posse of nations 多国部队
- Either iron or gold will elevate the position of the country in the family of nations. 强权或经济实力都可以提高一个国家在国际间的地位。
- This peace must be rooted in the lives of nations. 这和平必须深植于国民的生活中。
- Education is the chief defense of nations. 教育是国家的主要防御力量。
- Maxims are the condensed good sense of nations. 民族的美德,凝聚格言之中。
- Education is the chief defence of nations. 教育是国家的主要防御力量。
- Air force is an important component of national defense. 空军是国防的重要组成部分。
- Personal enmities must be forgotten at a time of national crisis. 民族危机当头,必须捐弃个人恩怨。
- Enraged, Cliegg amassed a posse of moisture farmers to venture into the desert to find her. 恼羞成怒的克利格召集一群湿气农夫深入沙漠寻找施密。
- Testimony by League of Nations investigators left little doubt. 国联调查人员的报告使人没有怀疑。
- Both sides have a stubborn narrative of righteous victimhood, each promoted eloquently by its respective posse of indignant partisans. 双方都有自己坚称正义的受害者心态,他们各自愤慨的游击队更是给这种心态火上浇油。
- The British Commonwealth of Nation includes several nations. 英联邦包括好几个国家。
- He manages only a quick hello before he has to rush off to wrangle a posse of animals, or something of that nature, for a pivotal scene at Hagrid's hut. 他匆匆地给我们打了声招呼,就不得不急忙赶去照看那一群临时借来的动物,或者是其他什么生物。这些动物是为了帮助拍摄海格小屋发生的那段场景的。
- But neither can two great and powerful groups of nation take comfort from our present course. 但是,这两个强大的国家集团都无法从目前所走的道路中得到安慰。
- But hold on: do women really want to turn Dad's Army into Mum's Army, a posse of latter-day Amazons braving the front line, cheek by jowl with their male counterparts? 但且慢:女性真的想把爹爹军变为娘子军吗?一支强悍刚勇的现代娘子军要在前线与她们的男同胞们并肩冲锋陷阵?
- College students are stranded in an abandoned town whose only law is the ghost of ruthless gunslinger Bloody Bill Anderson and his posse of vicious zombies. 学院学生困在一个堕落的城镇,那里只有血腥的比尔安德逊和他的邪恶干尸武装队。手无寸铁的学生如何与血腥比尔抗衡?如何逃出比尔的魔掌呢?