- 建立金融基础知识和学习贵的原则,投资于股票市场的标志得多课程。 Establish the foundation to your financial knowledge and learn the principles of investing in the stock market and much more with our hallmark curriculum.
- 于 at
- 常用 in common usage
- 股票 stock
- 可用 do
- 投资于股票市场是有风险的吗? Is it risky to invest money in the stock market?
- 不用 need not
- 致力于 commit oneself to
- 用法 usage
- 有用 useful
- 她将所有的积蓄投资于股票市场。 She put out all her savings at stockmarket.
- 家用 home-use
- 通货膨胀的威胁已使城市许多公共机构作好准备,不去股票市场冒险。 The threat of inflation has made many city institutions batten down hatches and not take risks in the stock market.
- 用于此类活动的大的房间 The large room in which such events are held.
- 股票市场风闻可能有盘进出价,因而股份价格扶摇直上。 The stock market got wind of a possible take-over bid and share prices soared.
- 与此稍有不同的是,气体发生炉曾用于用轻油制出燃料气。 Somewhat differently, gas generators have been used to produce fuel gas from light oil.
- 股票市场是商业的晴雨表。 The stock market is a barometer of business.
- 投资银行相当于股票承销人或代理商,作为股票发行者和投资者之间的媒介。 An investment banking firm acts as underwriter or agent, serving as intermediary between an issuer of securities and the investing public.
- 反作弊咒:可以用于任何考试。阻止学生作弊。效果未知。 Anti-Cheating Spell - Used for any examinations. Prevents students from cheating. Effects unknown.
- 股票市场崩盘后他完全失去理智。 He completely lost his marbles after the stock market crash.