- polyclinal chimaera 多成分嵌合体
- Chimaera movement speed reduced to 250 from 270. - 奇美拉de移动速度由270降低到250。
- I hit the switch, and the chimaera reversed direction instantly. 我一打开电场,银鲛马上逆向而游。
- The chimaera had large incisors that prevented its mouth from fully closing. 银鲛的门牙很大,因此嘴巴无法完全闭拢。
- A lucky thought occurred to him, to send Bellerophon to combat with the Chimaera. 突然,他有个好主意,派柏勒洛丰去和喀迈拉搏斗。
- The term chimaera refers to an organism which, like a mosaic, has more than one cell type. 象镶嵌性一样,嵌合体指的是生物具有一种以上细胞类型。
- In Greek myths, Sphinx was a daughter of Orthus and Chimaera, a fire-breathing shemonster. 在希腊神话中,斯芬克斯是俄尔托斯与火怪卡马厄拉的女儿。
- Originally found gnawing at the roots of the World Tree during an excavation, this magnificent Chimaera's age is impossible to determine. 这头雄伟的双头龙,是在一次挖掘行动中被发现寄巢于世界树的重重深根之下,他的岁数已是无法计量。
- By the time of the Empire, Pellaeon was transferred to the Star Destroyer Chimaera, where he worked his way up the command chain, eventually serving as second-in-command. 在帝国时期,裴列恩被转到灭星者喷火兽号上,一路晋升到舰桥的位置,最后成为了副舰长。
- Angela McNab, the authority's chief executie, said: “The issues around hybrid and chimaera research are unique and different from mainstream human embryo research. 管理局首席执行官AngelaMcNab说:“这是一个独特的围绕***和嵌合体进行的研究项目,它与主流人类胚胎研究不同。
- Pollen as the target for gene transfer is a potential plant transformation system which can avoid the problens of somaclonal variation and chimaera resulting from in vitro regeneration. 以花粉作为外源DNA的媒介,获得转基因植株是有潜力的遗传转化体系。它可避免离体培养过程中的遗传变异和转基因植株的嵌合现象。
- The Sex Chromosomal Chimaera (XX/XY) of an Intersex Black-White Dairy Cattle 黑白花奶牛的XX/XY嵌合体一例
- 89. The term chimaera refers to an organism which, like a mosaic, has more than one cell type . 象镶嵌性一样,嵌合体指的是生物具有一种以上细胞类型。
- polyclinal fold 多斜褶皱
- chimaeroid A chimaera, ratfish, silver shark, ghost shark, spookfish or elephant fish, a member of the order Chimaeriformes. 银鲛亚目银鲛目下的分类项,包括银鲛和钩吻鲛科。
- mericlinal chimaera 周缘区分嵌合体,边缘嵌合体
- plasmid chimaera 质粒嵌合体
- haplochlamydeous chimaera 单层嵌合体
- Chimaera jordani n. 乔氏银鲛
- chimaera n. 嵌合体(=chimera);银鲛;[希神]奇美拉(喷火女怪)