- The water stored behind a dam has free energy. 蓄在水闸内的水具有自由能。
- Surface Free Energy and Solid-Liquid Slippage. 界面自由能与滑移。
- The free energy increases monotonically with increasing radius. 自由能随半径的增大而单调地增加。
- Free energy calculation is a challenge problem in MD. 现在有不少方法。比如热力学积分法。
- The inserting pin with fixed structure which does not need oiling is pollution free and maintenance free. 插针采用固定构造,完全不用加油,无污染,无维护成本。
- H2O2 has the character of almost pollution free,thus is named as"the cleanest" chemical product. 过氧化氢具有几乎无污染的特性,被称为“最清洁”的化工产品。
- The power ultrasonic featured with the unique modification action was a green pollution free modification method. 功率超声具有独特的变质作用,是一种绿色无污染的环保型变质处理方法。
- A free energy level. 未被占据的能量极
- Hua doctor RomanChammomilla Cham is made of Xinjiang Chammomilla Cham gathered in summer through drying in the sun, purely natural and pollution free. 华博士罗马洋甘菊,夏季采集优质新疆洋甘菊晒干而成,纯天然、污染。
- Manuka Honey is sourced from New Zealand's remote, pollution free native forests and is world renowned for its unique flavour. 成份是百分百纯天然麦芦卡蜂蜜,适合经常性胃痛肺部机能弱人仕。
- This technology has the advantages of simple operation, high yield and low cost by using water as solvent which is poisonless and pollution free. 该工艺条件具有操作简单、产量高、无毒无污染、成本低等特点。
- Import compressor fluorine free, double cycle cooling, cold and hot alternative easily, environment pollution free, precise in temperature control. 进口无氟压缩机组,双循环制冷,冷热交换能力强,无环境污染,控温精准。
- This quantity is positive with respect to the free energy of the bulk condensed phase. 对于主体凝结相的自由能来说,这个量是正的。
- As the concentration of solvated chains increases with decreasing distance, the free energy of the system increases. 随着距离的减小溶解链段的浓度升高,体系的自由能也随之升高。
- In depicting reaction coordinates it is more customary to plot the free energy on the vertical axis. 在绘画反应坐标图时,较通行的是把自由能画在纵轴上。
- Culture industry is a industry of pollution free and high efficiency.It is the most commercioganic industry of the modern economy branches with bright foreground. 铜陵市三、项目背景文化产业是低污染、无污染、高效能的产业,是现代经济各部门中最具吸引力和前景的朝阳产业,文化产品的国际贸易额呈几何级数增长。
- The next stage in the economic shock therapy will be freeing energy prices. 振兴经济的下一阶段措施将会是放宽能源价格限制。
- The paint uses water as the medium,and is nonpoisonous,pollution free,high in coating strength,good in elasticity,ageing resisting,strong in bonding stress and easy to use. 该涂料以水为介质,无毒、无污染、涂层强度高、弹性好、耐老化、粘结力强、使用方便。
- We arrived at the DFT for Lennard-Jones fluid by constructing the excess free energy with MFMT and high-order FMSA. 通过采用MFMT和高阶FMSA展开分别表示硬球排斥和色散吸引作用对Helmholtz自由能泛函的贡献,得到了LJ流体的密度泛函方法。
- Of course, all star lovers should at least have once in their life to see the stunning sight of brillant Milkyway in a pollution free kingdom and the stars shined earth! 我做梦都想去澳洲睇下倒置了的天蝎座和南天星座,果度有好多在香港看不见的天体,尤其是两个大小麦,最好有埋望远镜!