- The paper offers an interpreting frame based on political economics. 本文提供了一个政治经济学的解读框架。
- Marx's theory on labour value is the keystone of the entire Political Economics. 马克思的劳动价值理论是整个政治经济学的基石。
- The paper use political economics to explain why corporate governance structures differ among countries. 摘要本文介绍了运用集体选择理论解释为什么公司治理结构在国家间存在显著的差异。
- Theoretical hypothesis, including political economics, is the presupposition and basis of scientific research. 摘要理论假设是包括政治经济学在内的科学研究的前提和基础。
- Marching with the times is the theoretical character and the essence of Marxism Political Economics. 与时俱进是马克思主义政治经济学的理论品质和精髓。
- The results indicate that the theory comprises basic theor y,general theories and thematic theories of political economics. 研究结果:中国土地利用规划的理论分为经济学的基础理论、总体理论和主题理论三个层次。
- Weller Professor of Political Economics at MIT, in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning, International Development Group. 现任麻省理工学院都市研究与规划系政治经济学教授。
- Political economics also starts from individual decision making. See Persson and Tabellini (2000), Helpman and Grossman (2001). 评论[支持者:0人,反对者:0人,中立者:0人]查看评论信息
- Foley, D. 1982. Recent development in the labor theory of value [ J ], Review of Radical Political Economics 32( 1 ) : P1. 高伟.;货币价值与转形问题-对于“新解释”、分期单一体系学派与转形问题关系的研究[J]
- Ellison G. and E.L.Glaeser.Geographic Concentration in U.S.Manufacturing Industries: A Dartboard Approach[J ], Journal of Political Economics, 1997 (105), 899-927. 白重恩杜颖娟陶志刚仝月婷.;地方保护主义及产业地区集中度的决定因素和变动趋势[J]
- Labour value theory, an important theoretical issue in Marxist political economics, is a great innovation with rich content and of epoch making significance. 劳动价值论是马克思政治经济学中一个非常重要的理论问题,在理论上是一个伟大创举,具有丰富的内容和划时代的意义。
- The traditional political economics that digresses from the reality of socialist market economy does not cater to the needs of socialist economy constructions and the demands of education. 脱离社会主义市场经济实际的传统政治经济学,已不能适应社会主义经济建设需要和教学的需要,必须创新。
- To return from the present textbook definition to that of Marx, the object of economics or political economics should be the production mode and the correspondent production and exchange relations. 应当从现今教科书的定义复归到马克思的定义上去,经济学或者政治经济学的研究对象应该是生产方式以及和它相适应的生产关系和交换关系。
- Abstract: The traditional political economics that digresses from the reality of socialist market economy does not cater to the needs of socialist economy constructions and the demands of education. 摘 要: 脱离社会主义市场经济实际的传统政治经济学,已不能适应社会主义经济建设需要和教学的需要,必须创新。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability. 这次暴动可看作是政治上不稳定的征兆。
- His political ideas are rather extreme. 他的政治思想相当极端。
- I have mastered the rudiments of economics. 我已精通经济学的基本原理。
- The base of this fieldwork locates in the city of Irkutsk, which is the biggest political economic and cultural center of Siberia.It was called “the Bright Pearl of Siberia”. 实习基地位于东西伯利亚最大的政治、经济、文化中心伊尔库茨克市,被称为“西伯利亚的明珠”。
- An empty stomach is not a good political adviser. 空肚子不是政治上的好顾问。