- How should nations go about making environmental policy choices? 国家如何选择环境政策?
- In short, both the statutory context and the policy choices presented in this area are atypical. 总之,这方面法令的内容和政策的选择都不是典型的。
- Strong, deliberate policy choices by governments are essential to motivate change. 政府制定切实有效的决策也将有利于变革的产生。
- America's "bad policy choices are coming home to roost," political analyst Ayesha Siddiqa-Agha said. 美国的“错误选择得到了报应,”政治分析家色达卡-阿加说。
- A decision maker can use an advisory committee to shield himself or herself from criticism for policy choices by maintaining. 来利用咨询委员会躲避对政策选择的批评。
- Decisions that must be made due to statutory deadlines are likely to result in a de facto continuation of Bush Administration policy choices. 若因法规中最后截止日期的限制而不得不宣布裁决的案件,裁决大都延续布什政府的政策。
- Here, as elsewhere, the development of "secret law" may result in inadequately considered policy choices and unfair or arbitrary treatment of the regulated. 此处,和在其他领域一样,"秘密法"的发展会导致考虑不充分的政策选择和不公正或任意武断地对待受管理者。
- Finally, the APA acknowledges that some agency actions are virtually pure policy choices, even though they may have been preceded by a trial-type hearing. 最后,行政法法官承认,有些机关行动实际上是纯粹的政策选择,即使在这些行动之前可能先进行审判式听证。
- Ferdinand A. Gul , “ Government Share Ownership , Investment Opportunity Set and Corporate Policy Choices in China , ” Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 7 , 1999 , pp.157-72. 许小年,以法人机构为主体建立公司治理结构和资本市场,改革第5期,1997。
- And despite the huffing in Beijing, the losses that China faces on its reserve portfolio have more to do with its own policy choices than America's spendthrift ways. 还有尽管北京怨声载道,但中国的外汇储蓄损失更大程度是要归结于其自身的政策选择,而不是美国人的消费习惯。
- And despite the huffing in Beijing, the losses that China faces on its reserve portfolio have more to do with its own policy choices than America’s spendthrift ways. 但对于风雨飘摇中的世界经济形势,能要求他们的也只有这么多了。
- Mr.Cuomo took pains in his presentations to counter any notion that he was meddling in the city's affairs,or trying to dictate policy choices,or seeking greater powers over city spending by the control board,which he heads. 科莫在作施政报告时,尽力反驳人们对他有任何干预纽约市政,试图号令市政决策或藉他所掌管的监管局扩张他对纽约市财务支出的控制权力的看法。
- Mr.Cuomo took pains in his presentations to counter any notion that he was meddling in the city's affairs, or trying to dictate policy choices, or seeking greater powers over city spending by the control board, which he heads. 科莫在作施政报告时,尽力反驳人们对他有任何干预纽约市政,试图号令市政决策或藉他所掌管的监管局扩张他对纽约市财务支出的控制权力的看法。
- The point of the MA is to provide a baseline against which governments can measure the importance of future changes to the environment, and so, hopefully, make better policy choices. ma的作用是提供一条底线,在个底线内政府可以检测环境的未来改变的重要性,并因此希望能有更好的政策选择。
- They also note that the courts, with their limited sources of information, do not always grasp the realities of program administration that lurk in the background of some agency policy choices. 他们还指出,法院的信息来源有限,它们并不能自始至终抓住潜伏于一些机关政策选择背后的项目执行的实际情况。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- The next day, the economic team gathered around the dining-room table in the Governor's Mansion to discuss our dilemma and explore which policy choices would produce the most growth. 第二天,我的经济班子成员围坐在州长官邸的餐厅饭桌边,讨论我们面临的两难处境,并探讨能够带来最大经济增长的政策选择。
- The Mathews test has been criticized as being so open-ended as to give courts little guidance: judges are put into the position of making policy choices much as a legislator would do. "马修"案的标准因过分随意以及几乎没有为法院提供任何指导而受到批评:法官被置于作出政策选择的境地,恰如立法者所做的那样。
- Such social cost elusion or transfer has resulted in a series of negative consequences, including a paradox of policy choice. 社会成本规避与转嫁带来了一系列的不良后果,从而形成了政策选择上的悖论。