- The management history includes nutrition, breeding policy and practice, housing, transport and general handling. 管理史包括营养、育种方针及其作法、棚圈、运输和一般管理。
- The reason is the tried and tested policy and practice of limiting spending increases to within the trend growth rate of GDP over time. 这全赖我们采用久经考验的政策和做法,就是在一段期间内,政府开支增长不得超逾本地生产总值趋势增长。
- Let me tell you about some of our policies and practices here. 那我就把这里的规章制度先跟你说一下。
- However, the inconsistency of not bailing out Lehman Brothers let many to question US government's rescue policy and practice. 然而,不援救雷曼兄弟让许多人对美国政府的拯救政策和实践不一致表示怀疑。
- Unfortunately, it is these primitive models, rather than their sophisticated descendants, that often exert the most influence over the world of policy and practice. 可惜的是,正是这种原始模型,而非它们的尖端衍生品,通常对世界政策和实践有最大的影响。
- The techniques and practice of a midwife. 助产学,产科学助产士的技术及工作
- Village-based pilot initiatives will ensure appropriate linkages between policy and practice lead to the development of a sustainable, effective system of livestock health extension. 村一级的示范活动将确保制定出的政策与实际操作密切联系,最终达到建立一个可持续的高效的动物健康推广体系的目的。
- The purpose is to develop replicable models of prevention and care in Yunnan and Sichuan for high risk and vulnerable groups in order to inform and develop the national policy and practice. 项目目的是在云南和四川的高危人群中建立可推广的艾滋病防治模式,为国家的艾滋病政策与实践提供信息并促进其发展。
- With the lack of social trust and related laws, GSSL institution cannot fulfill its organized target in its practice of 8 years.There are many contradictories between policy and practice. 摘要国家助学贷款制度实施近8年来的实践表明,在社会信用缺失和相关法律制度不健全的情况下,风险补偿机制的不科学是构成国家助学贷款可持续发展的瓶颈。
- The theory and practice of aircraft navigation. 航空学飞机航行的理论与实践
- To all intents and purposes these conferences played the role of national conferences,solving important problems in Party policy and work through free and practical discussion. 这些会议,实际上都起了全国代表会议的作用,都在自由的、切实的讨论的基础上,解决了党的政策和工作中的重要问题。
- The foreign policy and the national security of this country are involved. 我们的外交政策和国家安全都已面临考验。
- All these questions involve policy and tactics. 这些问题,都涉及政策和策略。
- They needed time and practice to master the skill. 他们要掌握这个技术,还需要时间和练习。
- Development of the company's corporate governance policies and practices? ? 中国跨国企业公司治理制度和规范的制定
- A specialist in the theory and practice of education. 教育家教育理论和实践方面的专家
- The influence of population policy and population transformation on the sustainable of economic growth has very important theory meaning and practical value. 摘要人口转变、人口政策影响经济增长的可持续性研究具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。
- Co (Bermuda) Ltd Personal Data Policy and Practices, please write to the Corporate Data Protection Officer at 1/F, ING Tower, 308 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong. 资料保护-公司已委任一位资料保护主任,处理有关阁下个人资料的任何书面查询。如阁下对资料保护有任何查询,请来信寄香港中环德辅道中308号安泰金融中心1
- He gave sound and practical advice. 他提出了很好的,实际可行的建议。
- Implement Corporate Financial Policy and SOP. 执行公司财务管理制度及工作流程。