- Plywood--Inspection codes for plywood for general use GB/T9846.;6-1988胶合板普通胶合板检验规则
- Veneer plywood for general use; General requirements 一般用途镶面胶合板。一般要求
- " Plywood--Marking, packaging,transportation and storage of plywood for general use" GB/T9846.;7-1988胶合板普通胶合板标志、包装、运输和贮存
- Plywood--Specification for classification by appearance of plywood for general use 胶合板普通胶合板外观分等技术条件
- plywood for general use 普通胶合板
- These curves are considered to be the most representative for general use. 人们认为,这些曲线在通用方面,是最具有代表性的。
- High speed steel with high abrasion resistance and toughness for general use. 通用高速工具钢,具有极高的耐磨性和良好的韧性。
- This output tends to be verbose so should not be turned on for general use. 此输出会很详细所以一般不应被打开。
- This new textbook was complied for general use by a specialist group. 这本新教材是由专家组统编而成的。
- Building shared schedules and shared data sources that you want to make available for general use. 生成可供常规使用的所需共享计划和共享数据源。
- This very weak ordering between critical and noncritical finalizers is not intended for general use. 关键终结器与非关键终结器之间的这一弱顺序不供常规使用。
- Steel cord conveyor belts - Part 1: design, dimensions and mechanical requirements for conveyor belts for general use. 钢丝传送带。第1部分:一般用途传送带的设计、尺寸和机械要求。
- Cold working die steel with high adrasion resistance for general use, super hardenability and minimal quenched stress. 高耐磨的通用冷作模具钢;淬火性佳,热处理变形少。
- Suited for void spaces in floating docks, ships etc. Also for general use behind linings and similar inaccessible areas. 用以涂布浮坞、船只等的空隙部位。也可涂布于嵌板背面,或类似的密封区域。
- Apply to plywood for cutting organic glass plastic . 适用于胶合板切割有机玻璃塑料切割.
- Subjective assessment of heart size is the most practical method and is the one recommended for general use, except for the beginners. 主观判断心脏大小是最实用的方法,除初学者外可以作为一般的应用。
- Two important modifications from x86 to x64 are the 64-bit addressing capability and a flat set of 16 64-bit registers for general use. 从x86到x64的两个重要修改是:64位寻址功能和一组平面的用于常规使用的16个64位寄存器。
- Semi-finished products made of magnesium alloys; composition and characteristics of rolled and drawn products for general use. 镁合金制半成品。常用轧制品和拉制品的成分和性能。
- Poplar(Populus deltoides) veneers were used to make plywood for concrete forms. 采用浸胶玻璃纤维布强化方法制造杨木胶合板模板。
- Tim, What's your take on when Perl 6 will be ready for general use? Its beginning to look like a project with no end and no production release. 对于何时才会有通用的Perl 6,您有何看法?它开始像个永远不会结束和不会有产品发布的项目。