- She plumed herself on her figure. 她以身材美自豪。
- She plumeed herself on the fact that she was educated in Europe. 她以在欧洲受教育为荣。
- She plumes herself on the fact that she was educated in Europe . 她以在欧洲受教育为荣。
- She plumes herself on the fact that she was educated in Europe rather here in the United States. 她以不在美国而在欧洲受过教育为荣。
- She avenged herself on her father's killers. 她向杀父之人报了仇。
- Mary modeled herself on her mother. 玛丽学习母亲的榜样。
- The gymnast poised herself on the balance beam. 体操运动员在平衡木上保持平衡。
- She burnt herself on a red-hot pan handle. 她被炽热的锅柄烫伤了。
- She pricked herself on a needle. 她被针扎了一下。
- At noon she excused herself on some pretext and left the house. 中午她找了一个借口,说了一声就走了。
- The gymnast poised herself on the balance beam gracefully. 体操运动员优美地立在平衡木上。
- She prides herself on her garden/on her skill as a gardener. 她对自己的花园[对自己的园艺]非常得意。
- She models herself on her favourite novelist. 她以最喜爱的小说家为榜样.
- She piqued herself on her skill in making pies. 她对自己做馅饼的技术引以为傲。
- plume herself on vt. 以 ... 为荣(以 ... 自庆)
- She models herself on her mother. 她以自己的母亲为榜样。
- She modeled herself on her mother. 她模仿母亲的一举一动。
- She always prides herself on her cooking. 她经常为她的厨艺感到骄傲。
- She hauled herself on to the roof with ease. 她一使劲就翻到屋顶上去了。
- She parked herself on the edge of the bed. 她坐在床沿上。