- plicate aestivation 折扇状花被卷叠式
- Germination epigeal;cotyledons plicate. 发芽时子叶出土子叶折扇状。
- Flowers small, 4- or 5-merous, with imbricate aestivation. 花小,4-或5瓣,具覆瓦状的花被卷叠式。
- Is suitable for Relieves summer heat and aestivation, health care. 适宜用于消暑度夏、医疗保健。
- Leaves narrow. Inflorescences sparsely villous. Corolla 1.6--2.6 cm; galea obscurely serrate crested, slightly plicate. 叶狭窄。花序疏生长柔毛。花冠1.;6-2
- A farther investment in the distinguishment of A. japonicus was needed in different phases of aestivation. 对于不同夏眠阶段刺参消化道的区别有待于进一步研究。
- Calyx campanulate or cup-shaped, 5-lobed, often 10-ribbed basally and plicate in bud. 花萼钟状或杯状的,5浅裂,通常10肋基生的和折扇状在芽中。
- When in hibernation or aestivation will have to reduce or even stop watering, let the bulbs can get enough rest. 在冬眠或夏眠时则要减少甚至停止浇水,让球茎能得到充分休息。
- Style 2-cleft or entire; stigmas 1 or 2; fruit drupes or nutletlike, usually divided into 2 or 4 pyrenes, rarely undivided; cotyledons not plicate. 花柱2半裂或全缘;柱头1或2;坚果状的果核果或,通常分为2或果核,很少不裂;子叶不折扇状。(3
- The histological observation of alimentary tract and respiratory tree in sea cucumber,Apostichopus japonicus during aestivation induced in lab. 仿刺参在实验性夏眠过程中消化道和呼吸树的组织学变化
- Shrubs evergreen.Branchlets brown-purple, robust, subterete, plicate, ca. 5 mm in diam., glabrous throughout;terminal buds glabrous or thinly ciliate. 常绿灌木小枝棕色紫色,坚固,近圆柱状,折扇状,直径约5毫米,全株无毛顶芽无毛或稀疏缘毛;
- I would like to find a cave, and then curled to the inside to start peace of mind to sleep, why not aestivation ah, there should be hibernating, and estivation. 我要找个洞穴,然后蜷缩到里面,开始安心地睡眠,为什么没有夏眠啊,人应该有冬眠,有夏眠。
- Corona distinctly cupular or cylindric, usually obviously membranous, sometimes plicate, tube as long as or longer than gynostegium and/or much longer than marginal lobes. 清楚的副花冠杯状或圆筒状,通常明显膜质,有时折扇状,筒部等长或长于合蕊冠和远长于边缘的裂片。(52
- The drug is collected in summer and autumn, dried in the sun to remove most of water, removed from the petioles, folded to semicircular of plicate, and dried again. 夏、秋二季采收,晒至七八成干时,除去叶柄,折成半圆形或折扇形,干燥。
- Fruiting calyx tube much shorter than fruit, lobes well-developed, erect, spreading or recurved to reflexed or calyx with conspicuous spreading undulately plicate limb. 果期花萼筒部远短于果,裂片发育良好,直立,平展或下弯兑一明显平展的反折或花萼具瓣片。(26
- The histological comparison of alimentary canal between the period of aestivation and normal condition for Apostichopus japonicus by the technology of sliced and scanning eclectron microscope. 摘要运用切片和扫描电镜技术对刺参夏眠状态和正常状态的消化道进行了组织学比较研究。
- Branchlets brown or blackish brown; fruiting calyx strongly undulately plicate, clearly reflexed between lobes; male flowers tubular or cup-shaped, calyx lobes reduced to small teeth. 小枝棕色或者微黑棕色;果期花萼强烈波状折扇状,明显在之间裂片;雄花管状或者杯状,萼裂片退化至小齿(51
- lobes usually spreading, aestivation overlapping. 裂片通常开展,花被重叠。
- lower lip large, 3-lobed, often plicate; 下唇大,3浅裂,经常折扇状;
- cotyledons plicate, 2-lobed at apex. 子叶折扇状,2裂的在先端。