- play your cards badly vi. 处理不好(拙于运筹)
- You could end up running this company if you play your cards right. 你要是处理得当,到头来这个公司能归你掌管。
- If you play your cards right,you may get an increase in pay. 你要是做事高明,薪水是可能增加的。
- If you play your cards right, you may get an increase in pay. 你要是做事高明,薪水是可能增加的。
- You could end up running this company if you play your cards right . 你要是处理得当,到头来这个公司能归你掌管。
- If you play your cards right you will soon begin to get ahead rapidly. 如果你利用得当你很快会成功。
- You can end up running this company if you play your card right. 你要是处理得当,到头来这个公司能归你掌管。
- Don't get so friendly with the competition. Play your cards close to your vest. 不要跟你的对手太友善,当心别人刺探机密。
- Why don't you go and talk to Suasn? If you play your cards right she might let you take her to the party. 你为什么不和苏珊谈谈?如果你处置得当的话,她也许会让你带她去参加宴会的。
- A: If you play your cards right, you might get a raise before the end of the year. 如果你表现良好,也许可以在年底前加薪。
- The odds are stacked against you, but you still have a chance if you play your cards right. 你胜算不高,但应对得好的话,也有机会。
- Indeed, if you play your cards right, you can enjoy the benefits of what sociologists call the 'halo effect. 的确,如果你表现得当,你就能有幸获得从社会学家所说的“光环效应”给你带来的种种好处。
- Both necessitate you to play your cards close to the vest, maintain a poker face, know when to hold and know when to fold. 如果其他玩家对他们自己的牌失去信心,他们可能会放弃,你就成为了赢家。
- He failed because he played his cards badly. 他由于不善于利用机会而失败。
- He failed because he played his cards badly . 他由于不善于利用机会而失败。
- Don't play your radio at full volume. 不要把收音机开到最大的音量。
- Place your card face up on the table, please. 请把你的牌面朝上摊在桌子上。
- Now it's time that you played your trump card. 现在是你摊王牌的时候了。
- Play your cards right while a new leader reshuffles his pack 庄家换了,牌照打
- Don't play your best card till you've heard all. 在你听了各方面的情况以前,先不要把你的绝招拿出来。