- Toledo loadometer special sales and platform scale. 特销托利多地磅及台秤。
- We run up the plank and saw the gendarme on horseback behind us. 我们碰到了木板,看到的宪兵在马背上远去。
- plank and platform n. 1
- These field and platform areas together constitute a huge European Craton. 这些地面和地台共同组成一个巨大的欧洲克拉通。
- The slide and platform of the life raft can be inflated within 45 seconds. 救生筏的滑梯及平台可于推落水面后45秒内充气膨胀,于紧急情况时接载乘客逃生。
- Overhaul of the rural sector has been a critical party plank and a key to China's long-term economic development. 农村领域的改革一直是共产党的一项重要政策,也是中国经济实现长期发展的关键所在。
- Many different species of wood are fabricated into wood bamboo floor in two primary forms: plank and parquet. 网络布线的话实际上就是对企业的,企业最大的资源是什么?是客户。
- Facing plank can be divided again by color for monochromatic facing plank and design (grain appearance) facing plank. 饰面板材按颜色又可分为单色饰面板材和图案(纹样)饰面板材等。
- He was walking up and down the station platform. 他在火车站的月台上走来走去。
- Tents contain with high pressure bed plank and soft pad. It is easy to take off the bedspread for laundering and practical for use. 耐压床板加软垫,床外罩为可拆下清洗的强韧棉布,外表美观又舒服。
- Buying mention expressly on the contract make sure E1 class plank and formaldehyde release a quantity to reach E1 level. 在购买合同上写明保证E1级板材及甲醛释放量达到E1标准。
- "I would honestly say it is.It's more extreme than the changes we made in 1994, when we added the plank and cut the diffusers back. 我会老实地说是的,它比我们在1994年经历的改变还要极端,那次我们加入了底部木板,而在扩散器上退后了一步。
- Wearing snug jeans, a white shirt, gray cardigan and platform sandals, she looks like any familiar city girl. 她下穿暖和的牛仔裤,上穿白色的衬衫,套着件灰色的开襟羊毛衫,脚上穿着演出鞋,看上去跟寻常城市女孩没什么两样。
- Consider the skill set of the development organization and platform support needs. 考虑开发组织和其支持的开发平台的组合。
- A lectern and platform were set up on the east side, facing an array of seats arranged in a semicircle. 厅的东侧设置了主席台和讲台,面对讲台排列着呈半圆形的一排排座位。
- The athlete stands on the surf board, or makes use of stomach plank and kneels an aquatic sports that the rubber mat, rowling, skin boat...etc. of plank, 充 spirit control wave. 运动员站立在冲浪板上,或利用腹板、跪板、充气的橡皮垫、划艇、皮艇等驾驭海浪的一项水上运动。
- Strip off the platform rhetoric and what you are left with? 揭掉那一套竞选政纲的花言巧语,你还剩下什么?
- The future work should be studying and developing tools and platform for ABAC model. 今后的工作是在进一步完善基于Agent连接件适应性软件体系结构模型的理论基础上,研究开发支持该模型的MAS开发工具和平台。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- A proposal to raise taxes is the central plank of the party's platform. 多征税的建议是该政党选举宣言建议中的主要点。