- Plain and original condition and naturalness are its most major characteristics. 自然、返朴归真是其最大的特点。
- The country abounds in scenic and natural wonders. 这个国家有许多风景优美的自然景观。
- Through deeply probing Into the national culture, Japanese building owns a special plain and tasteful expressing style combining tradition with modern and nature. 日本建筑通过对本民族文化的深层探索,寻找传统、代与自然的契合,最终形成自己特有的朴素的表现风格。
- I'd like something plain and quiet. 我想要朴素而文静的。
- The interior of the church was plain and simple. 教堂内部朴素无华。
- The walls were plain and unadorned. 墙壁朴素无华。
- Their dress was plain and dull in colouring. 他们的衣服朴素,颜色单调。
- Handful plain and skinned peanuts, roughly crushed. 一把花生,去皮,大致弄碎。
- I am sure you will give me a plain and open answer. 我相信你一定会给我一个简单,坦率的答复。
- He taught Irene botany and natural history. 他教绮瑞娜认识植物和学习自然史。
- Free from ambiguity or pretense; plain and open. 直率的:不模棱两可或不掩饰的;直接而公开的。
- The district abounds in scenic and natural wonders. 这个地区有许多秀丽美景和自然奇观。
- But she continues to live a plain and frugal life. 但是她的生活依然非常俭朴。
- Malaysia is rich in human and natural resources. 马来西亚人材济济,并拥有丰富的天然资源。
- I 'd like something plain and quiet. 我想要朴素而文静的。
- She looked very plain and dowdy. 她长得非常普通,衣着也过时。
- Where are oil and natural gas found in Britain? 在英国哪里发现了石油和天然气?
- Plain and unvarnished are the words of truth. 真理朴实无华。
- How truly elegant and natural her style is! 她的风格是多么高雅,又多么自然。
- Please show me something more plain and quiet. 请给我看些简单朴素的料子。