- Please state your occupation and place of residence. 请说明你的职业和住址。
- The name, date of birth, domicile or place of residence, identification number of the administrative appellant. 一诉愿人姓名、出生年月日、住、居所、身分证明文件字号。
- While there is an administrative appeal representative for the administrative appeal, her/his name, date of birth, domicile, or place of residence, and identification number. 二有诉愿代理人者,其姓名、出生年月日、住、居所、身分证明文件字号。
- The administrative appellant with a legal representative or administrative appeal representative, her/his name, date of birth, domicile, or place of residence, and identification number. 二有法定代理人或诉愿代理人者,其姓名、出生年月日、住、居所、身分证明文件字号。
- A place of residence or business with its possessions and staff. 已建立的公司拥有财产或人员的住宅区或公司
- Of that place of residence should be included in your Assessable Income. 假如你的雇主提供居所给你,该居所的租值便须计入你的应评税入息内。
- Emigrate: to leave one's place of residence or country to live elsewhere. 移民,离开自己居住的地方或国家到其他地方居住。
- The place of residence of a sovereign or dignitary;a royal mansion or palace. 王宫,宫廷国王或贵族居住的地方;皇家宅第或宫殿
- The place of residence of a sovereign or dignitary; a royal mansion or palace. 王宫,宫廷国王或贵族居住的地方;皇家宅第或宫殿
- We can own a book or a hammer without giving it a name or a permanent place of residence in our houses. 在家里,如果我们有一本书或者一把锤子,没有必要给它起名字或者存放在一个永久的地方。
- AIAS will arrange the Repatriation of Remains of the Insured Person to his/her place of residence. 若被保险人不幸身故,美国国际支援服务公司安排遗体送返住所地。
- Mondial-assistance will arrange the repatriation of remains of the Insured Person to his/her place of residence. 若被保险人不幸身故,蒙迪艾尔旅行援助服务公司安排遗体送返住所地。
- A place of residence,especially the buildings or barracks used to house military personnel or their dependents. 住所,军营居住场所,尤指用来住军人或下属的建筑物或军营
- She wholly owns a dwelling which is used exclusively as their place of residence. 甲太太全权拥有一所住宅并全部用作他们的居住地方。
- Moreover, he wholly owns his dwelling which is exclusively used as his place of residence. 此外,他全权拥有一所住宅,全部用作其居住地方。
- The dwelling is owned by the parents and wholly used by the parents and their children as their place of residence. 有关住宅由父母拥有,并由父母及其子女全部用作他们的居住地方。
- A place of residence, especially the buildings or barracks used to house military personnel or their dependents. 住所,军营居住场所,尤指用来住军人或下属的建筑物或军营
- In the end they reached a place of safety. 他们终于到达了一个安全的地方。
- The place of residence is not listed as the Holmby Hills home -- rather, it's listed as his parents' home in Encino. 在住所一栏填写的并不是杰克逊位于汉姆比山的的家庭地址,而是他父母在艾西诺的家庭地址。
- Yokohama, a beautiful coastal city, is the main place of residence of the Chinese! 横滨,美丽的海滨城市,是华人的主要居住地!