- pileus hippocralicus [医] 帽式绷带
- The top part, or pileus, of a mushroom. 菌盖蘑菇的上部或菌盖
- The top part,or pileus,of a mushroom. 菌盖蘑菇的上部或菌盖
- The top part, or pileus , of a mushroom. 菌柄:蘑菇或伞菌结构的一部分,其上着生菌盖。
- The stalk of mushroom or toadstool, which bears the cap or pileus. 菌柄:蘑菇或伞菌结构的一部分,其上着生菌盖。
- Translocated materials occurred in the pileus after 30 minutes. 转运物质30分钟后才在菌盖中出现。
- Results: Most of esophageal carcinosarcoma grew like pileus or polypus in esophagus, a few of them were infiltrating. 结果:食管癌肉瘤多为覃伞样、息肉样腔内生长,个别呈浸润生长。
- The lowest enzyme activity appeared in gill and higher activities in pileus and stipe. 子实体的不同部位中,菌褶中三种酶的活性均为最低,而菌肉和菌柄中酶活性相对较高。
- When temperature is high, should always attention the change of color of pileus’ edge, avoid the color turn to grey. 当菌柄生长到一定程度后,温度、空间湿度、光照度适宜时,即可分化菌盖。
- The annulus is all that remains of the veil, which joined the rim of the pileus (cap) to the stalk in the immature mushroom or toadstool. 这种菌环是蘑菇或伞菌在未成熟时结合在菌盖边缘的菌幕的残余。
- This cloud, which meteorologists call a pileus cloud, is probably a transient feature: the eruption plume is starting to punch through. 快速升腾的烟柱使水蒸气看起来像气泡。
- Result: The common pattern of the pileus of Ganoderma lucidum consists of 9 characteristic peaks.There are big difference between G. lucidum and G. sinense by comparison with the HPTLC images. 结果:赤芝薄层荧光指纹图谱由9个特征荧光条斑组成,赤芝与紫芝HPTLC指纹图谱相差较大;
- Sturdy long stipe dust color Pileus 柄粗壮,长棒状,盖灰褐色
- Fruit body bowling form, small pileus, lartk with brown thin list 子实体保龄球形,盖小,灰黄色,有褐色细条纹
- Translocated materials occurred in the pileus after 30 minutes 转运物质30分钟后才在菌盖中出现。
- 2. The stalk of mushroom or toadstool, which bears the cap or pileus. 菌柄:蘑菇或伞菌结构的一部分,其上着生菌盖。
- pileus(p1.pilei) The cap of the mature mushroom or toadstool(sporophore)in certain basidiomycete fungi(e.g. 菌盖:在某些担子菌(如伞菌属)成熟的磨菇类或蕈(担子体)的帽状结构。其下表面由菌褶或线形排列的担子组成。
- pileus ventriculi [医] 十二指肠冠, 十二指肠球部
- pileus n. 伞状帽;[植]菌盖
- Halomitra pileus n. 小帽状珊瑚