- Still others hurry home to equip each piece of gossip with a pair of wings and add trimmings before they take to flight spreading far and wide. 有的人,一回到家,便迫不及待地给每一则闲话装上一双翅膀,甚至给它加一点油添一点醋,任它满天飞。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- I need a piece of string to tie this parcel up. 我需要一根细绳把这包裹扎起来。
- Can you put an end to that kind of gossip? 你能不能别再说那种闲话?
- She was hit by a piece of falling masonry. 她被建筑物上落下的一块石头砸着了。
- The boy is daubing a piece of paper with red ink. 那孩子正在用红墨水在纸上乱涂。
- This piece of glass seems to be part of a lamp. 这片玻璃似乎是一盏灯的一部分。
- I heard an earful of gossip today. 我今天听到不少闲话。
- Would you please give me a piece of paper? 能给我一张纸吗?
- The circulation of gossip is abhorrent. 传播流言蜚语是可恶的。
- She tore off a piece of music and then went out. 她匆匆演奏了一支曲子就走出去了。
- Keep that piece of wood; it may come in useful. 留着那块木头,它可能会有用的。
- A chatty letter full of gossip and nonsense. 满是闲言碎语和无用东西的信
- This piece of cloth was eaten by a moth. 这块布被蠹虫蛀坏了。
- I heard a savo(u)ry bit of gossip today. 今天我听到一点有意思的小道消息。
- My mother is averse from any kinds of gossip. 我母亲讨厌任何的闲言闲语。
- An outer coat of glaze on a piece of pottery. 外层釉陶器釉面上的第二层釉
- The circulation of gossip is vicious. 传播流言蜚语是可恶的。
- This piece of work will do credit to you. 这篇作品将会使你获好殊荣。
- Teddy had a dish of gossip with me. 特迪跟我闲谈了一阵。