- "Piebald" doesn't rhyme with "ribald". piebald和ribald不押韵。
- Patchy in color;splotched or piebald. 杂色的;有斑纹的,花斑的
- A piebald animal,especially a horse. 花斑马有花斑的动物,尤指马
- A piebald animal, especially a horse. 花斑马有花斑的动物,尤指马
- Patchy in color; splotched or piebald. 杂色的;有斑纹的,花斑的
- The skin why is chairman piebald? 皮肤为什么会长花斑?
- Shanghai Hongqiao area in a public Xiaozu piebald horse Liangshiyiting house. 上海市民肖祖骐在虹桥地区有一套两室一厅的房子。
- Instead, it comes from the old word piebald, that means, "marked with white". 追根溯源,这个词其实来自一个旧词"piebald",意思是“黑白相间的”。
- The orange or liver is found in the standard parti-color or piebald patterns. 橘色或肝色形成杂色或斑纹。
- Xiaozu piebald horse puzzles, it is a true portrayal of the Shanghai property market in recent years. 肖祖骐的困惑,正是上海楼市这几年的真实写照。
- Solid black is very undesirable, but not so objectionable if occurring to a moderate degree in piebald patches. 纯黑色是很不理想的颜色,但在花斑色中出现一定量的黑色斑块则是允许的。
- The manifestations of ischemia/reperfused injury were swelling and piebald skin color. 早期手术探查吻合口多无痉挛及栓塞现象。
- Note: A perfect piebald is preferable to a muddy brindle or defective solid color. 注意:正确的花斑色比污浊的虎斑色或有缺陷的纯色更可取。
- General colorful butterflies, the wings and body there are various piebald head rod or a pair of hammer-like tentacles. 蝴蝶一般色彩鲜艳,翅膀和身体有各种花斑,头部有一对棒状或锤状触角。
- COLOUR: White, black, grey, straw, ginger (rusty), grey-brown, brindle, piebald and speckled. 翻译成中文:颜色:白,黑,灰,枯草色,淡赤黄色(铁锈色),灰褐,斑纹,黑白花和带斑点的。
- Helpless under Xiaozu piebald horse only to the original 1,500 yuan to rent the house out. 无奈之下,肖祖骐只能以1500元的原价把房子租了出去。
- Having no wrinkle, piebaldness sticky on surface, allowing to have miropar-ticulates in glass fiber pipe, with the black and without obvious fading phenomenon. 表面无皱纹、花斑和发粘现象,允许有玻璃丝管引起的微型颗粒,颜色为黑色,无明显褪色现象。
- Main contagion the source is pig, horse, ox, chicken, duck, mice, mosquito (Lei Wenjun of piebald midge, library carries this virus) , etc. 主要的传染源是猪、马、牛、鸡、鸭、老鼠、蚊子(花斑蚊、库雷蚊均带此病毒),等等。
- All dachshunds have one, and only one, self color.The patterns found in dachshunds are dapple, double dapple, brindle, sable, and piebald. 所有的腊肠都有一种或只有一种基本色,花色只有出现在单花斑(大理石)、双花斑、斑纹种(虎斑)、黑色毛尾(注)及乳牛斑,任何花色都出现在基本色上或固定色上;
- At last he said: 'Oh, you wretched beard cleaner, you piebald fool, you hungry mouse hunter, what can you be thinking of? 最后,他说: '噢,你可怜的胡须清洁,您花斑傻瓜,你饿鼠标猎人,你可以考虑的?