- physical training class 体能训练课
- Physical training conduces to good health. 体育训练有助于身心健康。
- Students in training class take notes carefully. 培训班学员认真记录。
- The whole winter was given up to physical training. 整个冬季都用来进行体育训练。
- Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary? 培训课或家教有必要吗?
- I want to take a training class. 我想去参加个训练班。
- We are have physical training every other day. 我们隔天进行体育锻练。
- A training class will begin in the gym. 健身房有一个培训班。
- Where can I apply for this training class? 我去哪里报名参加这些培训班呢?
- They all go through a thorough physical training. 他们都受到全面的体育训练。
- Bill told me that he could teach physical training. 他能教体育。
- You need to take part in physical training. 你需要参加体育锻炼。
- How are you improving in that French train class? 你在那个法语培训班进展如何。
- He insist on do physical training. 他坚持体育锻炼。
- We have physical training every other day. 我们隔天进行体育锻练。
- We is have physical training every other day. 我们隔天进行体育锻练。
- He bought some waist-pads for physical training. 他买了些体育用的护身佩戴。
- Its potential for optimizing physical training. 其潜在的优化体能训练。
- The short-term training class has been run two times. 短训班办了两期。
- He will go to the technical training class every other day. 他将每隔一天到技术训练班去学习。