- Pertaining to data in the form of distinct elements such as characters, or to physical quantities having distinctly recognizable values. 说明以各不相同元素的形式表示的数据,例如字符,或说明具有明显可辨认数值的物理量。对照analog。
- Pertaining to data or to physical quantities in the form of numerals. 用于修饰或说明由数字组成的数据或物理量。
- Of, relating to, or being a device in which data are represented by variable measurable physical quantities. 类比数据的关于或作为一种仪器,其数据由可测物理变量代表
- Of,relating to,or being a device in which data are represented by variable measurable physical quantities. 类比数据的关于或作为一种仪器,其数据由可测物理变量代表。
- As with many other physical quantities, the mass of a body can be measured in several different ways. 如许多其他物理量一样,物体的质量可用几种不同的方法来测量。
- Well logs: The measurement versus depth or time, or both, of one or more physical quantities in or around a well. 测井:比照深度或时间或比照两者,对井内或井眼周围的物理量进行的一种或多种测量。
- The impact speed of eroded particles to surfaces of the specimens in slurry-pot is an important physical quantities. 提出了确定料浆罐中冲蚀粒子对金属试样表面的冲击速度的计算方法。
- The first type of quantum effect is the quantization of certain physical quantities. 量子效应的第一种类型就是某个物理量的量子化。
- Such products may represent physical quantities, but at present our thinking is merely formal and not attached to any physical visualization. 这样两个积可以是物理量,但目前我们的想法只是形式的,并未赋予任何物理直观性。
- This idea of the dimension of geometrical concepts is obviously related to the units of measurement of the corresponding physical quantities. 几何量的这种量纲概念,与对应的物理量的计量单位有明显的联系。
- Uncertainly Principle is not only limited in this two physical quantities (position and velocity), it can also be applied to other physical quantities such as energy and time. 测不准原理不单止适用于此两个物理量(位置与速度);它也适用于其他的物理量(例如能量与时间).
- A variation of a physical quantity,used to convey data. 用于传递数据的一种物理量的变化(量)。
- Energy of simple vibration, supposition of two vibrations with same direction and frequency, generation and propagation of mechanical wave, physical quantities described mechanical wave, plane harmonic wave. 简谐振动的能量;同方向同频率两谐振动的合成;机械波的的产生与传播;描述机械波的物理量;平面简谐波。
- The relation between of AC physical quantity and DC phys. 介绍了恒容量输出的整流变压器交流物理量与直流物理量之间的关系,并给出了计算实例。
- A variation of a physical quantity, used to convey data. 用于传递数据的一种物理量的变化(量)。
- Based on cloud-top brightness temperature data and circulation background, and the physical quantities, Diagnosis of severe convection weather caused by MCS in Mei-yii front over the Yellow Sea-Changjiang River during June 21 to 23, 2002 is made. 对2002年6月21-23日发生在黄海-长江流域梅雨锋上的一系列由中尺度对流系统(MCS)引起的强对流天气过程进行了云顶辐射亮温(TBB)和天气形势、气象要素等的诊断分析。
- Their nonzero size and novel symmetries set upper bounds to physical quantities that increase without limit in conventional theories, and they set lower bounds to quantities that decrease. 它们非零的大小与新奇的对称,为一般理论中会无限增大的物理量设了上限,而对会无限减小的量则给出下限。
- The remapping or coupling of physics quantities across different grids occurs when grids are modified or distinct grids are coupled. 随着流体问题的复杂和数值模拟高精度的要求;常常需要不同方法的耦合或不同网格体系的转化、叠加.
- The absolute maximums of daily physical quantities during continuous torrential rain event in July 1998 are calculated and analysed,with the distribution of physical quantities in July 23 shown. 给出了“98.;7”连续暴雨过程期间江西及其附近地区逐日物理量的绝对极大值,对这次连续暴雨过程的最强降水日进行了诊断分析。
- The electromagnetic relation between various physical quantities of motor under operation, voltage, power, torque balance equation and its operation characteristic are introduced as well. 电机运行时各物理量之间的电磁关系、电压、功率和转矩平衡方程式及工作特性;