- I mean there is physical limit to our potential. 我是说我们的潜在能力爱到肉体的限制。
- Walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury. 因身体限制或受害而走路受阻。
- Disability is a physical limitation on your life. 残疾在身体方面限制了你的生活。
- LOTO also includes applying a warning tag on the physical limiting device . htis document the authorized loto personnel and the date. LOTO也包括在物理限制的装置上使用警告性标签,授权使用LOTO的人员的文档和日期。
- Some people would like to challenge the physical limit by the similar activities as climbing and parachuting. 有些人喜欢通过类似攀岩和跳伞这样的运动将自己推向体能的极限。
- Replication link distance has a physical limitation. 复制链路距离有物理限制。
- Physical media, current technologies, and the laws of physics limit bandwidth. 目前技术的实体媒体和物理法则限制了频宽.
- The relevant physical limit to the number of. Dat files that can be written to disk is the amount of available disk space. 对于可以写入磁盘的.;dat文件数的相关物理限制是可用的磁盘空间的数量。
- Because of the lithography technique approaches the physical limit, it must to elstablish some new process to manufacture the smaller device. 摘要:由于微影曝光技术将到物理极限,因此要制作更小的元件必须寻求其他方法。
- Physical limits are dependent more on run-time memory than on compile-time considerations. 物理限制更多地取决于运行时内存,而不是编译时的各种因素。
- Only when the physical limits of driving are neared is there a slight oversteer tendency. 只有当物理极限的驾驶是接近是有轻微的转向过度倾向。
- The afterlife experience is also liberating as one ceases to be bound by physical limitation of thought-form. 死后的经历也是解放,因为你停止被思想形态的物理限制所围困。
- Iniesta, of the Barcelona.In spite of its physical limitations sees well the play. 巴萨的伊涅斯塔,尽管受身体条件的限制,他依然表现很出色。
- Sexual Positions for Lovers illustrates sexual positions for more satisfying sex, even with physical limitations. 性职位的恋人性职位显示出更多的满足性,即使有物理限制。
- The IP infrastructure is inherently expandable because its distributed architecture overcomes the bottlenecks caused by the physical limitations of circuit switches. IP基础结构的可扩展性是其固有的特征,因为其分布式架构消除了电路交换器物理上的局限所造成的障碍。
- Tremendous genetic advances were made and a great understanding of cloning and adjusting physical limitations for betterment came in responsible, ethical utility. 基因技术的研究取得巨大进展,对以改良为目的的克隆和身体改造的深刻领会带来了负责任的、有道德的效用。
- Engineers can do little that is economically viable to overcome this physical limitation, so they focus on reducing the cost of reprocessing fresher fibers. 工程师并没有什麽经济可行的方法,可以克服这个物理限制,只能努力以最低成本,再制出较新鲜的纤维。
- Can be a match race, we will have taken place in the first transfer: Or take a look at these physical limits of the human being challenged in the individual's right! 可赛着赛着,我们就发生了第一次转移:还是看看这些人类生理极限受到挑战的个人项目吧!
- The acoustics is a branch of physical. 声学是物理学的一个分支。
- The architect is transcending metaphysical limits while pushing up against physical limits, the combination of the mental and physical pushing the design to greater heights. 建筑师对抗物理极限时,也正翻越想象的极限,精神和物质的结合使得设计达到了更高的高度。