- Colour scanner: Scanner for colour separation. 分色机:用扫描方法分色的机器。
- Separation negative The negative produced by colour separation. 分色阴片分色后所造成的阴片。
- Colour separation film Films of good colour sensitivity used for colour separation. 分色菲林具有良好感色性能,作分色用的菲林。
- Colour filter A sheet of glass, plastic or gelatin used for colour correction, in colour separation or for special effects. 用来改色的玻璃片、胶片或明胶。在分色时或作特殊效果时使用。
- Colour filter: A sheet of glass, plastic or gelatin used for colour correction, in colour separation or for special effects. 滤色片:用来改色的玻璃片、胶片或明胶。在分色时或作特殊效果时使用。
- Colour Separation: Separation full colour into the four process clours (CMYK) by means of filters, resulting in four films used to make printing plates. 分色:用滤色片反全部色彩分为四个彩印颜色(黄、洋红、青蓝和黑),造成四张制版用的菲林。
- Grey scale Small optical wedges of continuous-tone images with orderly and progressive densities.They are available in various sizes and shapes to control half -tones, colour separation, and printing characteristics. 控制半色调、分色和晒印特性用的光学梯尺。它是连续色调影像,具秩序井然的累进密度并有不同大小尺寸和形状。
- Indirect screening: A prepress technique for colour reproduction. Colour separation and screening are being done in two separate steps. 间接上网:复制彩色图片的印前操作技巧。分色和上网分两个工序进行。
- Earlyprognosis offsctdruckereien to photograghic to seihan colour separation, did not adopt the UCR and GCR structure, all non-color in the color components are the basic colors of representation. 早期的胶印,以拍照不合色来制版,并操纵拔取UCR和GCR布局,不暗白洋所有的否不暗白身不合均是由原色来再 不隐的。
- Direct screening Reproduction proces in which continuous tone copy is colour separated and screene din one step. 直接上网在复制连续色调原稿的过程中,分色和上网同时进行。
- Direct screening: Reproduction proces in which continuous tone copy is colour separated and screene din one step. 直接上网:在复制连续色调原稿的过程中,分色和上网同时进行。
- Keep the sun behind you when you take a photo. 拍照时要让太阳留在你的身后。
- He showed me a photo of a family group. 他给我看一张合家欢的照片。
- Many a time have we come across this same photo. 我们多次都见到过这同一张照片。
- Processes layouts, artworks and colour originals. Operates electronic or desktop colour scanner to produce colour separated films. Film or bromide processing. 整理图样,画稿及彩色原稿。操作电子或桌面分色机制备分色黑白软片,冲洗软片或相纸。
- He adjusted the shutter before taking a photo. 在照相前,他调整了快门。
- The woman on the photo is my paternal grandmother. 照片上的这个妇人是我祖母。
- He took a lot of photo last sunday, and so do I. 他上星期照了许多照片,我也一样。
- Try to wear a colour that is less obtrusive. 尽量穿得颜色别太显眼。
- The photo made him quite attractive. 照片把他拍得相当英俊。