- The syndromes of thorax arthralgia developes like a tree.Deficiency of Heart-Yang,deficiency?17of Heart-Yin,phlegm blood stasis are the trucks of the development and often exist in the course. 具体表现为,胸痹的证候变化为根式发展,心阳虚、痰瘀等一经形成,往往贯穿始终,是疾病发展的主干;
- Phlegm and blood stasis have close related with diabetic nephropathy (DN). 摘要痰、瘀与糖尿病肾病(DN)有着密切的关系。
- Arteriosclerosis has close relationship with "qi" deficiency,blood stasis,phlegm and toxin. 动脉粥样硬化与气虚、血淤、痰浊、邪毒密切相关。
- So, the treatments aimed at phlegm and blood stasis play an importance role in the course of DN. 在DN治疗中针对痰浊、瘀血的相应治法也占据着重要地位,不容忽视。
- Thoracic obstruction into asthenia syndrome(yang asthenia,yin asthenia),sthenia syndrome(turbid phlegm,blood stasis). 胸痹分虚证(阳虚、阴虚)、实证(痰浊、血瘀)。
- So,the treatments aimed at phlegm and blood stasis play an importance role in the course of DN. 在DN治疗中针对痰浊、瘀血的相应治法也占据着重要地位,不容忽视。
- The basic pathogenesis of Traditional Chinese Medicine to LVH is Turbid Phlegm, Blood stasis and Yang hyperactivity. LVH的中医基本病机是痰浊、血瘀、阳亢。
- The paper summarized the study progress in treatment of adiposis hepatica with Chinese crude drugs to dissipate phlegm and remove blood stasis. 文章对近年有关化痰祛瘀中药治疗脂肪肝方面的研究进展文献资料进行了综述。
- It was put forward that deficiency of Qi-Yin,blockage of phlegm and blood stasis may be the TCM pathogenesis of resteaosis after PTCA. 提出气阴两虚、血瘀痰阻是PTCA后再狭窄发生的基本中医病机,并对中医药防治再狭窄的思路进行了讨论。
- Dougen Guanshitong has the function of detoxicating and resolving a mass and resolving phlegm and removing blood stasis. 豆根管食通口服液具有解毒散结、化痰祛瘀之功,适用于中晚期食管癌患者属痰气交阻、瘀血内结或痰瘀互结者。
- Phlegm accumulating with blood stasis has considerable meaning in the morbility and treatment of ankylosing spondylitis(AS). 痰瘀互结在强直性脊柱炎(AS)发病与治疗中有着重要的意义。
- Phlegm resolving and blood stasis dissipating method was used to treat throat leukoplakia for 3 months,and the effects were good. 采用化痰散瘀为主的方法治疗喉白斑,疗程3个月,有显著疗效。英文翻译,英语:
- In the second stage, the blood stasis owing to qi-stagnation, the cementation of phlegm and stasis, the liver-fire changed by conge... 治疗以调和阴阳气血,疏通血脉为原则。
- Objective: To observe the efficacy of Purging Heat,Removing Phlegm and Blood Stasis on acute respiratory failure of COPD. 目的观察泻热化痰祛瘀法治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)急性发作并呼吸衰竭的临床疗效。
- Objective: AMD patients with macular thickness of the changes of phlegm and blood stasis in the pathogenesis of AMD's role. 摘要目的:通过分析AMD患者黄斑厚度的变化,探讨痰瘀在AMD发病中的作用。
- In chronic period, the emphasis is on the weakness of vital-qi, phlegm and blood stasis obstructed in Lung collaterals, which is syndrome of deficiency Ben and excessive Biao. 在慢性期,病机主要是正气虚损,痰瘀痹阻肺络,属本虚标实之证。
- As a novel systems biology technique,metabonomics provides a reliable platform for the modern study on the material foundation of phlegm and blood stasis syndro... 代谢组学等系统生物学手段为高脂血症及动脉粥样硬化痰瘀证候物质基础研究提供了崭新而可靠的技术平台,该文就此做一综述。
- In treatment,blood stasis that an important factor should be se... 在治疗中,尤其要抓住瘀血这个关键要素。
- Blood stasis lead to outward extravasation of blood. 治宜清热润肺,滋补肾阴;
- TCM addresses holistic concept and treatment of root of disease, ascribing the inflammation of the airway and the releant mediators and factors to phlegm and blood stasis. “祖国医学讲究整体观念和治病求本,将气道炎症及与此相关的炎症介质和因子统归于痰瘀。