- His philosophical thinking can be regarded as preeminent. 他的哲学思想堪称超凡入圣。
- This conception of the "passivity" of intellect is perhaps the greatest barrier to philosophical thinking. 这种心智“被动”观可能是哲学思考的最大障碍。
- Deleuze realized that Bergson's most enduring contribution to philosophical thinking is his concept of multiplicity. 德勒兹认识到柏格森对于哲学思想的最为不朽的贡献是它的多样性概念。
- They can work as the tools of researching for philosophical thinking needs to be introduced into sinology. 汉学领域应该引入哲学思考,中国可以作为思想研究的工具。
- It is quite difficult for a doctor to improve philosophical thinking in making a dignosis and choosing drugs of epilepsy. 无论是癫痫的诊断,还是治疗药物的选择,都给临床医生的哲学思维提出了很高的要求。
- At the same time, influenced by his philosophical thinking, hisliterary thoughts and prose style show the artistic characteristics asa thinker. 同时,受其哲学思想的影响,唐甄的文学思想和散文风格也表现出鲜明的思想者的特色。
- Only by resorting to the philosophical thinking, the great "secrets" under technology apparent phenomena can be revealed. 只有诉诸于哲学思维,才能揭示技术表面现象中隐藏着的巨大“秘密”。
- All above are epistemologically significant for the study of the development of philosophy, philosophical methodology and philosophical thinking. 这对于理解和把握哲学的发展路径,探究哲学方法论的演变和哲学思维的演进均具有重要的认识论意义。
- Comrade Mao Zedong wrote the four-word motto "Seek truth from facts" for the Central Party School in Yan'an,and these words are the quintessence of his philosophical thinking. 毛泽东同志在延安为中央党校题词,就是“实事求是”四个大字,这是毛泽东哲学思想的精髓。
- Comrade Mao Zedong wrote the four-word motto "Seek truth from facts" for the Central Party School in Yan'an, and these words are the quintessence of his philosophical thinking. 毛泽东同志在延安为中央党校题词,就是“实事求是”四个大字,这是毛泽东哲学思想的精髓。
- Imagine, if you can, a society in which philosophical thought is prohibited. 你不妨设想一个社会如果禁止哲学思考会出现什么样的情形。
- The philosophical thinking of Nietzsche himself reveals a great affirmation and transcendence of life, which is a minor of his personal health and life consciousness. 尼采本人的哲学思想即是对生命的伟大肯定和超越,而这些思想是他本人健康状况和生命意识的反应。
- This hexagram applies this philosophical thought to revealing the principles. 本卦就运用了这一哲学思想来言说事理。
- Sprouting in ancient Greece and suppressed in Middle Ages,the philosophical thinking of subjectivity finally made its manifestation as cognitive subject in modern times. 在经历了古希腊时代的萌芽和中世纪的挫折之后,主体哲学思想在近代终于以认知主体性的形式表现出来。
- Medical phylogeny contains profound philosophic thinking. 医学发展史蕴藏着深厚的哲学思想。
- As the philosophical basis of private laws,the philosophical thinking of subjectivity manifested itself in the subjective systems from ancient Rome to modern private l... 主体哲学思想作为私法的哲学基础,相应地体现在从古罗马法到近代私法,再到现代私法的主体制度当中。
- While the set of the Taiyi Free Palm shows philosophical thinking of Laozi and Zhuangzi, as if in the artistic conception of Zhuangzi's "free traveling". 太乙逍遥掌表现了“老庄”的哲学思想,尤庄子“逍遥游”的意境。
- Wang Chong, after he absorbed the philosophical thinking of the predecessors, explained the "life" by using such material things as vitality, astrology, and mettle. 摘要王充在继承前人哲学思想的基础上,用元气、星象、骨相这些物质的东西来解释“命”,主张偶然的禀气决定了必然性的“命”;
- The beauty of tolerance and kindness comes from the Confucian philosophical thought, such as Golden Mean. 中和之美”范畴来源于儒家“中庸”的哲学思想和以艺求道的方式。
- "Ereignis" is the key word of Heidegger's later philosophic thinking. “生成”是海德格尔后期哲学思想的主导词语。