- We had seen them through two weeks of mortal peril. 在具有致命危险的两个星期中,我们曾帮助他们渡过了难关。
- The realm of mortal existence; the temporal world. 人间,俗世世间凡人凡物居住的地方; 凡尘世界
- Rain and snow are phenomena of the weather. 下雨和下雪是天气现象。
- The yard of mortal care office in a hospital. 云南昆明在一所医院临终关怀科的院子里。
- Inflammation is a phenomenon of disease. 炎症是疾病的症状。
- Wonderful phenomena of nature are all around us. 我们身边到处都是奇妙的自然现象。
- Terrorism is a phenomenon of the 20th century. 恐怖主义是20世纪的现象。
- They are entombed in the urns and sepulchres of mortality. 一壶浊酒喜相逢。古今多少事,都付笑谈中。
- A typical phenomenon of karst topography. 是典型的峰林现象。
- The phenomenon of cot deathhas yet to be explained. 婴儿猝死的现象仍然不可解。
- A public debate has arisen as to the phenomenon of. 关于。的现象引发了一场公众讨论。
- The phenomenon of the existence of isomers. 同分异构现象存在同分异构体的现象
- Fever and inflammation are phenomenon of disease. 发烧和炎症是得病的现象。
- Is Classical Narratology a Phenomenon of the Past? 经典叙事学究竟是否已经过时?
- The eager is a tidal phenomenon of rivers. 河水上涨是一种河流的潮汐现象。
- The phenomenon of cot death has yet to be explained. 婴儿猝死的现象仍然不可解。
- But the effects of mortal shocks only manifest themselves slowly. 但是一个人受了致命的打击,反应是慢慢地显露出来的。
- A branch of computer technology relating the functions, characteristics, and phenomena of living systems to the development of hardware systems. 把生命系统的功能、特征、现象和计算机硬件系统的开发相联系的一种计算机技术分支。
- But the effects of mortal shocks only manifest themselves slowly . 但是一个人受了致命的打击,反应是慢慢地显露出来的。
- Metastasis is one of the major causes of mortality in cancer patients. 摘要癌转移是引起癌症患者死亡的一个主要原因。