- 方法:应用酶联免疫吸附检测(enzyme-linkedimmunosorbent assay,ELISA)法测定16例正常人、21例原发性肾小球肾炎(PGN)患者和18例LN患者血浆和尿液IL-18水平的变化。 Methods: Plasma and urinary IL - 18 were measured by enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) in 16 normal volunteers,21 patients with PGN and 18 patients with LN.
- 本研究通过制备土霉素(oxytetracycline, OTC)的特异性抗体,建立了蜂产品中土霉素残留的酶联免疫吸附分析法(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA)。 具体包括以下四个方面的内容: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed for analysing oxytetrocycline(OTC) from the bee products using the anti-OTC antibody.
- 本研究用酶联免疫吸附法(enzyme linked immune sorbent assay,ELISA)第一次同时测定了EM患者血浆和PF中MIF的水平,并分析MIF水平与疾病的分期和月经周期之间的关系,探讨MIF在EM发病过程中的作用。 The present study was undertaken to evaluate the levels of MIF in plasma and PF of women with EM by enzyme linked immune sorbent assay (ELISA) , to examine the correlation between MIF levels and the stage of the disease and the phase of menstrual cycle, and to determin the role of MIF in promoting the disease.