- personal pension insurance 个人养老保障
- The employees working in TEDA all enjoy pension insurance. 在天津开发区工作的员工均享受养老保险。
- The basic old-age pension insurance system for employees of state organs and institutions shall be improved. 完善机关事业单位职工基本养老保险制度。
- Escape from fee and empty account phenomenon aggravate the difficulty of the pension insurance further. 逃费和空账现象又进一步加剧了养老保险的困难。
- The city of Wuxiamended the basic pension insurance of the retirees of enterprises. 无锡市调整企业退休人员基本养老金。
- In contemporary insurance investment share out bonus insurance has replaced pension insurance gradually. 在现代保险中投资分红型保险已经逐渐取代年金保险。
- Our country current social security policy and legal retirement age make the profit and loss of personal pension very difference, and pauperize the retired senility. 我国现行的社会保障政策与法定退休年龄使得个人养老金收支盈亏及领取水平有很大的差异,并导致高龄退休人员相对贫困化。
- Chapter four, the basic pension insurance analyzing regional differences into reasons. 第四章,剖析区域基本养老保险差异性成的原因。
- Were it not for the tax relief they receive contributors to personal pension plans would have been better off keeping their money under their mattresses. 假如不是有税收减免,与其将钱放到养老金计划里,还不如藏到床垫下面。
- Were it not for the tax relief they receive, contributors to personal pension plans would have been better off keeping their money under their mattresses. 如果不是为了得到税收减免,这些个人年金制度的纳税人还不如把钱藏在自家的床垫底下划算。
- A pension insurance system has just taken shape in Shanghai, making the city the first in the country in reforming the old retirement. 上海不久前正式建立了养老保险制度,率先在全国建立了退休制度改革。
- For now and a fairly long period of time to come,the pension insurance system in China can not solve the problem of elders completely. 当前乃至今后相当长的一段历史时期内,养老保险制度还不能完全解决我国的养老问题,因此,重视养老保险制度与传统文化的依托非常必要。
- Compared with social pension insurance, moral risk in commercial life insurance has its own characteristics, mechanisms and tactics of elusion. 与社会养老保险中的道德风险相比,商业人寿保险中的道德风险具有自己的特点、发生机制和规避策略。
- This paper analyzes the causes of low rates of migrant workers' social pension insurance in China in a perspective of portability loss. 摘要文章基于养老保险“便携性损失”视角对中国农民工养老保险参保率低的原因进行了分析。
- Our pension insurance goes through the evolution from the model of pay-as-you-go to social pooling combined with individual accounts. 中国的养老保险模式经历了从现收现付到统账结合的改革过程。
- The social security work is making constant progress. More than 87.5 million workers and 22.5 million retirees have participated in pension insurance mutual assistance programs. 社会保险事业也不断发展,全国参加养老保险社会统筹的职工有8750万人,离退休人员有2250万人。
- If the establishment of a provident fund security funds, housing provident funds and pension insurance funds together, that is two boxes of money together. 如果设立公积金保障基金,住房公积金与养老保险基金合而为一,也就是把两个箱子里的钱放在一起。
- As businesses and workers to establish voluntary supplementary pension insurance, enterprise annuities have been an increasing number of enterprises and workers of all ages. 作为企业和职工自愿建立的补充养老保险,企业年金已经得到越来越多企业及职工的青睐。
- Earlier this week, Hargreaves Lansdown said the value of personal pensions had fallen by a fifth since last year. 本周早些时候,HargreavesLansdown曾说,个人退休金的价值自去年开始已缩水了五分之一。
- Earlier the week, Hargreaves Lansdown say the value of personal pensions had fallen by a fifth since continue age. 本周早些时间,HargreavesLansdown曾说,独立个体退休金的价value自去年开端已缩水了五分之一。