- 无人称动词personal-predicative an impersonal verb
- PASS=personal alert safety system 个人安全报警系统
- 支持的目标平台是Sun Personal Java 1.2。 The supported target platform is Sun Personal Java 1.2.
- personal selling (市场运销组合构成因素之一) 人员销售
- 通常指单用户微型计算机。Personal Computer的缩写。 Meaning, in general, any single-user microcomputer.
- 建议使用Sun JDK 1.1.8或Personal Java 1.2来编译该类。 It is recommended that you use Sun JDK 1.1.8 Or Personal Java 1.2 To compile the class.
- 例如,Personal-Information属性集包含街道地址和电话号码等属性。 For example, the Personal-Information property set includes properties such as street address and telephone number.
- 此规格将被拒绝,因为它在文件夹名称%username%和personal之间嵌入了通配符。 This specification is rejected because the specification embeds a wildcard character between the folder names %25username%25 and personal.
- 为Exchange Information和Exchange Personal Information属性集添加相应的属性。 It adds the appropriate attributes to the Exchange Information and Exchange Personal Information property sets.
- Calls Without Personal Greetings是为没有录制问候语邮件的订阅者接收的转向呼叫的数量。 Calls Without Personal Greetings is the number of diverted calls received for subscribers that did not have recorded greeting messages.
- 在Key Database内容帧的下拉列表中选择Personal Certificates,然后单击New Self-Signed按钮。 Select Personal Certificates from the dropdown list in the Key Database content frame, then click the New Self-Signed button.
- 个人信息管理服务(Personal Information Management) 模块是基于标准协议的,允许简单集成到现有环境中。 The Personal Information Management Service modules are based on standard protocols, allowing a simple integration into existing environments.
- 请注意,在MIDP 2.0中,对本地化的支持很有限,只有Foundation 1.0提供了与Personal Profile 1.0相同的本地化支持。 Note that the support for localization in Mobile Information Device Profile MIDP 2.0 Is quite limited, while Foundation 1.0 Provides the same support for localization as in Personal Profile 1.0.
- 以前添加到Personal Information或Public Information属性集中的Exchange 2003属性将相应地移动到Exchange特定属性集。 Exchange 2003 attributes that had been previously added to the Personal Information or Public Information property sets are moved accordingly to the Exchange-specific property sets.
- 介绍了决策者怎样使用IFPS/Personal支持的多种风格的对话方法. 如what if、灵敏度分析和目标追求来选择更好的决策。 It shows the decision maker how to use the methods of dialogs in various styles supported by IFPS/personal, for example, the what-if, sensitivity analysis,goal seeking to help them select a better decision.
- 个人便携电话系统PHS(Personal Handy System)具有收费低廉、小巧、便于携带、绿色环保等特点,在我国有很广泛的应用前景。 PHS (Personal Handy System) has great application value for its outstanding advantage.
- 仔细检查一下,是不是在行李箱了发现了笔记本电脑、电池、展接线、掌上电脑(Personal Digital Assistant个人数字助理)、手机和呼机? Maybe it's because of the laptop,batteries,extension cords,PDA,cell phone and pager you've stuffed into it.
- 仔细检查一下,是不是在行李箱了发现了笔记本电脑、电池、展接线、掌上电脑(Personal Digital Assistant个人数字助理)、手机和呼机? Maybe it's because of the laptop, batteries, extension cords, PDA, cell phone and pager you've stuffed into it.
- 新的PIM(个人信息管理 Personal information manager) 我们喜欢pimms(一种酒)对生姜水,柠檬水,橙汁还有冰。 OpenpOffice 3有着不同的配方: We love our Pimms with ginger ale, lemonade, citrus fruit, cucumber and ice. OpenOffice 3 has a different recipe:
- 本文提出一种用于分布式多 Agent环境的以 BDI模型为基础构建信息 Agent的方法 ,给出了 PERFORM(PERsonal in FORmation Manager)系统的模型和学习算法 This paper presents a method based on the BDI model to implement an informatiion Agent for distribute d multi Agent environments. It also p roposes the model and learning algorithm of the PERFORM(PERsonal inFORmation Man ager)system.