- perforation of articular disc 关节盘穿孔
- The length,width and thickness of the ligamentous structures of the TFCC were measured with vernier caliper,and each marginal length and thickness of articular disc of the wrist were investigated too. 用游标卡尺测量韧带的长度、宽度和厚度及腕关节盘的桡侧缘、掌侧缘及背侧缘的长度和厚度。
- attachment of articular disc 关节盘的附着
- Results The reconstructed condyle,articular disc and glenoid fossa had good morphology,similar to that of the ana... 结论在颞下颌关节区磁共振断层影像的基础上对其进行三维重建是可行的,具有一定的应用价值。
- Multiple subchondral perforation is relatively a simple and effective method in enhancing the recovery of articular cartilage regarding its poor ability in self-repairing. 关节软骨自身修复能力很差,软骨下骨钻孔术是比较简单有效的方法,可促进软骨的修复。
- It is suggest that the complete anterior disc displacement and perforation of TMJ be associated with osteoarthrosis. 完全性关节盘前移位和关节盘穿孔与骨关节病的关系密切。
- Theincrease rate of the Von Mises stress in the articular disc was higher than that in the condyle and the glenoid fossa. 关节盘等效应力增加的速度较髁状突、关节窝要大;
- Excessive pressure can lead to perforation of the stomach wall. 过大的压力会导致胃壁穿孔。
- We have obseroed and measured the mandibular fosse, head of mandible, articular disc and articular capsule of temporomandibular joint on209 adult specimen, The anatomical basis of movement and click in temporomandibular joint was discussed. 本文在209具成年标本上对颞下颌关节的下颌窝、下颌头、节盘及关节囊进行了观测;对颞下颌关节的运动及弹响机制进行了讨论。
- Osteoarthritis is due to wear and tear with loss of articular cartilage. 骨关节炎源于关节软骨的磨损破坏甚至丧失。
- The cure rate of 364 ears in 350 cases of perforation of ear drum was 100%. 350例(364耳),中外伤性鼓膜穿孔310耳均1次治愈,治愈率100%25。
- However, perforation of the colorectum by an IUCD is extremely unusual. 但是子宫内避孕器引致直肠穿孔的病例就极为罕见。
- Two others had perforation of the coronary sinus requiring pericardiocentesis. 另2人在心包穿刺术下进行冠状窦的电击穿手术。
- displacement of temporomandibular articular disc 颞下颌关节盘移位
- Histological Observation of Articular Cartilage and Synovial Injury after Ischemia in the Animal Hind Limbs. 肢体缺血再灌注后关节软骨及滑膜损伤的组织学观察。
- The authers consider that ACMA be one of the causes of impairment of articular cartilage in OA and RA. 认为ACMA可能是导致软骨细胞及软骨基质受损的重要因素。
- Ingested foreign bodies also have been found to be the cause of perforation of the wall of the intestine. 吞下异物也曾被发现是小肠壁穿孔的原因。
- The edge of the disc had been machined flat/smooth. 圆盘的边缘已用机器磨平[光]。
- The rate of anatomical reduction was 90.3% (the distance of articular surface collapsing less than 2?mm). 解剖复位率为90.;3%25(关节面塌陷小于2mm)。
- The compact disc is a miracle of modern technology. 激光唱片是当代技术的奇葩。