- Yangming Precision Of Plastic Metal Electronic Co. 扬明精密塑胶五金电子有限公司。
- A numerical method of slip|line field analysis of rigid perfectly plastic material is utilized to solve nonlinear boundary value problem,which is the plane drawing through circular dies with Coulomb friction. 对通过圆弧模具小变形率库仑摩擦下的平面拉拔问题 ,假设接触面上的压应力分布采用优化方法 ,并结合滑移线场与速度场的数值解法 ,求得该问题的滑移线场、速度场与拉拔力 ,并画出速端图。
- The development trends of plastic metallization were pointed out. 指出了塑料金属化今后的发展趋势。
- The results show that: the specimens with metal silicon or aluminum powder become denser because the plastic metal powder contributes to filling the space. 结果表明:在纯碳化硅材料中分别加入硅、铝粉之后,由于金属的延展性,在成型过程中有利的填充了碳化硅颗粒间的空隙,使得干坯更加致密。
- The essential theory about chip deformation and curls in metal cutting is discussed, the formation mechanics of different chip types between plastic metal and fragile metal is analyzed, and the basic principles of chip shape control are presented. 论述了金属切削过程中切屑变形与卷曲的基本原理 ,分析了塑性金属与脆性金属切屑的不同形成机理 ,提出了控制切屑形状的基本原则
- You needn't labor a point that is perfectly plain. 这点很明显,你用不着讲个没完。
- The curtains blend in perfectly with the furniture. 窗帘(的颜色)跟家具(的颜色)十分和谐。
- He can imitate his teacher perfectly. 他能维妙维肖地模仿他的老师。
- The artist had rendered her gentle smile perfectly. 该艺术家把她那温柔的笑容表现得惟妙惟肖。
- The artist has caught her smile perfectly. 艺术家巧妙地捕捉住她的笑容。
- The man is carrying a small black plastic handbag. 这个人提着一个黑色的小塑料提袋。
- You needn't labour a point that is perfectly plain. 这点很明显,你用不着讲个没完。
- The metal or plastic external structure of a motor vehicle. 车身机动车的金属和塑料的外部结构
- She knows why the metal is the good conductor. 她知道金属为什么是好的导体。
- I knew perfectly well it was a trap. 我很清楚这是一个陷阱。
- He is a plastic surgery specialist. 他是个整形外科医生。
- She's perfectly reasonable in her demands. 她的要求完全合情合理。
- The colors are perfectly tuned to each other. 这些颜色很协调。
- Can I fasten these metal plates with rivets? 我可以用铆钉把这些金属板固定在一起吗?
- Many items in daily use are made out of plastic. 有很多日常生活用品是塑料制的。