- In contrast to the mechanism of conduction and convection,radiation may take place in a perfect vacuum. 与传导和对流的原理不同,辐射可在完全真空中进行。
- In contrast to the mechanism of conduction and convection, radiation may take place in a perfect vacuum . 与传导和对流的原理不同,辐射可在完全真空中进行。
- In contrast to the mechanism of conduction and convection, radiation may take place in a perfect vacuum. 与传导和对流的原理不同,辐射可在完全。
- In contrast to the mechanism of conduction and convection , radiation may take place in a perfect vacuum . 与传导和对流的原理不同,辐射可在完全真空中进行。
- In contrast to the mechanism of conduction and convection , radiation may take place in a perfect vacuum. 与传导和对流的原理不同,辐射可在完全真空中进行。
- Moon's perfect vacuum, the weak magnetic field environment suits the construction astronomical observation and the base which observes to the place. 月球的高真空、弱磁场环境十分适合建设天文观测和对地观测的基地。
- Vacuum may be thought of as the absence of pressure. It is the measure of negative pressure between standardized atmospheric pressure and a theoretically perfect vacuum. 真空可以被认为缺少压力。真空是以标准大气压的负压和理论完全真空来测量的。
- According to quantum theory, even a perfect vacuum is not truly empty; it is filled with fluctuations as a result of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. 根据量子理论中的海森堡测不准原理,就算是完美的真空也不是空无一物,而是充满了量子涨落。
- According to quantum theory, even a perfect vacuum is not truly empty;it is filled with fluctuations as a result of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. 根据量子理论中的海森堡测不准原理,就算是完美的真空也不是空无一物,而是充满了量子涨落。
- In physics, the notion of a “perfect” vacuum or an “ideal” gas is an abstraction that permits scientists to study real-world phenomena in simplified sittings. “完全”真空或“理想”气体的概念在物理上是抽象概念,它能让科学家在简化的环境下研究真实世界。
- Nothing in the world is flawless and perfect. 世上没有十全十美的东西。
- Some pumps and all vacuum cleaners work by suction. 有些泵和所有真空吸尘器都是借吸力工作的。
- The weather during our holiday was perfect. 我们度假时的天气好极了。
- The project is far from perfect. 这项企划很不完美。
- His wife's death left him a vacuum in his life. 他妻子的去世使他的生活变得空虚。
- What's the secret of baking perfect bread? 烤出好面包的秘诀是什么?
- Her husband's death left a vacuum in her life. 她丈夫的死使她的生活变得空虚。
- Some people are living in a vacuum. 有些人过着与世隔绝的生活。
- He didn't have perfect attendance this year. 他今年有缺勤。
- A vacuum cleaner is a handy household tool. 吸尘器是一种使用方便的家庭用具。