- Measurement of consistency by penetrometer. 牢固度的针入度仪测定。
- The concavecopper shape on top is an explosively formed penetrator. 上面向内部凹陷的铜碗正式所谓的爆炸成形弹头.
- Meanwhile, an automatic cone penetrometer was also developed to acquire the cone resistance in soil samples. 并且引入改良率与贯入功之观念,藉以评估整体之改良效果。
- Evaluation of durability by successive measurements of consistency with a penetrometer. 用针入度仪连续测量方法进行使用寿命的评定。
- Cone index penetrometer is a special apparatus widely used for assessing soil compaction in agriculture. 摘要圆锥指数仪是农业上用于测量土壤压实度的专用设备。
- A new field penetrometer was developed for measuring the impedance of soil crusts upon emerging seedlings in the surface 5cm of the seedbed. 摘要本研究发展出一种新型的土壤阻力计,可模拟种子在土中萌芽之状态,量测土壤表层5公分内土壤对种苗之阻力。
- A new kind of miniature cone penetrometer was developed in order to acquire automatically the cone penetration resistance and depth in MCPT. 研制了一种新型的微型触探仪,该仪器能对贯入阻力与贯入深度数据进行自动采集。
- A series of tests with the portable dynamic penetrometer of type PANDA have been carried out, to inspect the grinding quality of the secondary ash dam. 为检测子级灰坝的碾压质量,运用一种轻便动力贯入仪对粉煤灰进行了一系列现场试验。
- EXAMPLE: The first rank of Penetrator Rounds gives a 10% chance for shots to ignore shields while using Penetrator Rounds. 例如:第一级穿甲弹轮给出了10%25的机会杆无视盾牌,而用穿甲弹子弹。
- It is an heavy crossbow designed with new idea and new technology, which can shoot the strong penetr... 发布者:薛永飞所在地:河南焦作市行业:礼品、工艺品、饰品职位:外销员工作年限:二年以上
- The Monte Carlo simulation model was established to acquire damage effect of the explosively formed penetrator warhead. 以智能雷为研究对象,从结构组成、作用原理和毁伤效能方面分析了爆炸成型弹丸和多爆炸成型弹丸的战斗部技术。
- Tungsten heavy alloy is very attractive as a kinetic penetrator due to its high density, high strength and ductility. 钨合金与贫铀弹相比,在穿甲过程中由于形成“蘑菇头”而不能形成很好的绝热剪切带而使其穿甲性能不及贫铀弹。
- He's a penetrator deluxe.His flaws are that his decision-making is still shaky and he's not a great shooter. 他的突破非常出色,他的缺点在于他的决策能力依然薄弱,投篮还不够好。
- The Heat isn't going to magically find another penetrator, so its best answer is to play better defense. 热火阵中仅有一位球员能持续造犯规,他就是德怀恩韦德。他目前已上过罚球线330次了。最接近他的则是新秀比斯利,他的总罚球次数为93.
- Point guard Rajon Rondo, now touted as an All-Star, is a dynamic defender, rebounder and penetrator . 现在被吹捧为全明星的控球后卫隆多是一个充满活力的防守者,篮板好手和破坏者,但是他还是不能投篮。
- Powdered laundry starch with through penetrator ,suitable for overalls,table cloth and tablenapkin etc. 工装、台布、口布等织物的上浆剂。可使烫平后的织物平整、挺扩光亮。
- How to develop a fast portable frozen soil penetrator is the main aim of this paper. 如何运用聚能装药技术设计一种快速便携的冻土射孔器是本论文的主要目的。
- Today's best penetrator missiles can reach a depth of only about six meters in dry rock, and as Robert W. 目前效能最佳的钻地飞弹在乾岩中能达到的最大深度只有6公尺左右,而且普林斯顿大学的尼尔森(RobertW.
- This paper introduces the design principles of a penetrator for stomach wall,and its operating method. 介绍自制胃壁穿透器的设计原理及使用方法。
- Patterned after the military Forest Penetrator, the Rescue Seat has been designed for simple operation and ease of maintenance. 有图案的模仿军事Forest Penetrator,那些营救位子设计简单操作和便于维修。