- pediculus arcus vertebae 椎弓根
- pediculus arcus vertebrae 椎弓根
- pediculus arcus vertebra 椎弓根
- Arcus Hotel Garni : Great Deals Available Now! 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.
- Arcus, M., Schvaneveldt, J., &Moss, J. (1993). 中华民国家庭教育学会主编(2001)。
- "That's arcus senilis," says Monica L. “那是老年环,”医学博士莫尼卡说。
- Praesent dui arcu, egestas quis, adipiscing a. 听听听听听tellus pharetra porttitor.
- Objective: To investigate the therapy of high arcus xygomaticus. 目的:探讨治疗高颧弓的较佳手术方法。
- Objective:To investigate the therapy of high arcus xygomaticus. 目的:探讨治疗高颧弓的较佳手术方法。
- Conclusion Used allograft is easy to do and recover arcus plantaris. 采用带骨膜的复合胫前动脉逆行皮瓣,不影响患足的供血,加速骨的愈合。
- A parasitic louse (Pediculus humanus corporis) that infests the body and clothes of human beings. 虱,虱子:一种寄生的昆虫(体虱虱属),寄生在人的身体或衣服上
- Nurse Rogers: Pediculus Humanus Capitis, Dr. Sever otherwise known as good old fashion head lice. 护士:一种大型的虱子,西弗医生,或者也可以把它称为大头虱子。
- The head louse, Pediculus humanus capitis is a tiny insect which lives on the hair. Occasionally, it is also seen in the eyebrows or beard. 头虱是一种寄生于头发上的细小昆虫,有时亦会在眼眉或胡须间出现。
- The head louse, Pediculus humanus, lives in the forest of fine hairs on the scalp.Its cousin, the body louse, lives not on the skin but in clothes. 头虱生在人的头发之中,其近亲体虱居于衣服,而不是身体。
- The top firms in each industry are the most aware of the need for greater scale, says Peter Tasker of Arcus Investment. 所以紧接着,一系列的并购开始了,石油公司从过去的14个合并为5个,水泥制造公司从7个并购为3个。
- Wang has been selected for the Grand Prix, Paris, 1995, and the ARCUS Project: Artist-in-Residence, Japan, 2000. 王德瑜曾于1995年入选第三届巴黎大奖,并于2000年入选日本ARCUS国际艺术村驻村计划。
- Abstract Objective To assess the relationship between cornea arcus senilis and blood-fat &arteriosclerosis. 摘要 目的 探讨角膜老年环与血脂及动脉硬化的关系。
- Conclusion The cornea arcus senilis were in close relationship with the blood-fat and the arteriosclerosis. 结论 角膜老年环与血脂及动脉硬化关系密切,对了解和诊断高血压、动脉硬化及心脑血管病有一定临床意义。
- Magnified 598x, this scanning electron micrograph depicts an enlarged view of the chitinous, exoskeletal surface of a male louse, Pediculus humanus var. 放大598x ,这种扫描电镜描绘一个放大的chitinous , exoskeletal表面男性虱,虱人体变种。corporis.;癣。In this particular view;the exoskeleton appears to be composed of interlocking plates
- Two weeks later,peripheral neogenetic lens fiber cells increased gradually and formed the typical arcus which resembled normal lens ambitus. 新生晶状体纤维几乎填充整个残余囊袋,排列欠规则,细胞核罕见。