- Spruce and pine are evergreen trees. 云杉和松树都是常绿树木。
- A carpet of leaves and pine needles on the forest floor. 森林覆被上一层厚厚的落叶和松针
- She gave him a friendly peck and got back to work. 她匆匆地吻了他一下又继续工作。
- It ate fern leaves and pine trees. 它吃蕨类植物的叶子以及松树。
- Itate fern leaves and pine trees. 它吃蕨类植物的叶子以及松树。
- peck and pine n. 消瘦(憔悴)
- Lebanese pizza topped with minced meat onion and pine nuts. 顶部配以鲜嫩的小牛肉,洋葱和松仁,松软可口.
- The sugared vinegar is refined from the sugarcane and pine . 加糖的醋是从甘蔗和松木中精炼出来的.
- The sugared vinegar is refined from the sugarcane addp and pine. 加糖的醋是从甘蔗和松木中精炼出来的.
- The stone was pecked and ground into cylindrical pestles. 石头被凿开并被磨成一根根圆柱形的杵。
- The sugared vinegar is refined from the sugarcane and pine. 加糖的醋是从甘蔗和松木中精炼出来的。
- The area also contains forests of palm, cypress, mangrove and pine. 大沼泽的林区里有棕榈树,丝柏,红树和松树。
- And the miner, forty-niner, he begain to peak and pine. 淘金的人悲痛不已,日渐消瘦,
- The stone was pecked and ground into square flags. 石头被凿开并磨成方石板。
- Firs, spruces and pines are conifers. 冷杉、云杉和松树都是针叶树。
- When someone gets killed during a bank robbery by Deans, half-breed Billy Two Hats( Gregory Peck and Desi Arnaz, Jr. 一部内容不落俗套的西部动作片,外景在以色列的沙漠地带拍摄。
- He had survived and maundered and pined. 他活下来了,变得没精打采,郁郁寡欢。
- Day by day the disappointed loverpeaked and pined. 这失恋的人一天天地憔悴下去。
- Peck and Brown rented a laboratory for Tesla in lower Manhattan, where the immigrant inventor devoted himself initially to developing the thermomagnetic motor. 佩克与布朗在曼哈坦南边为特士拉租了一间实验室,一开始他全力发展热磁马达。
- ELEGANT performances by Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn in the 1953 Hollywood classic "Roman Holiday", made the ancient city a romantic destination. 格利高里·派克和奥黛丽·赫本在1953年的好莱坞经典影片《罗马假日》中的精彩表演,使这座古老的城市变成了浪漫之都。