- Non-antimony based metal passivator will be future substitute for the poi... 水溶性金属钝化剂比油溶性金属钝化剂具有更多的优点。
- The pilot plant test has proven that boronate passivant can largely improve the thermal performance of coke. 在工业试验中充分证明了以硼酸基为主的钝化剂能够大幅度提高焦炭的热性能。
- The performance of T581, a benzotriazole type multifunctional metal passivator, in lube oil was investigated. 摘要 研究了苯三唑型T581多功能金属减活剂在润滑油中的使用性能。
- The hot strength of coke can be improved by spraying passivator on the surface of coke. 向焦炭表面喷洒钝化剂溶液可以改善焦炭热态强度。
- Studies the acting mechanics of PAAS. Experimental results show that adding PAAS to passivant can improve the quality of film. 摘要研究了聚丙烯酸纳(PAAS)的作用机理,试验结果表明,在钝化剂中加入PAAS能够提高金属钝化预膜的成膜质量。
- The effect of rice varieties(combination) and passivator on Cd content in brown rice was studied using pot experiment. 利用盆栽实验研究了不同水稻品种(组合)和添加钝化剂后的糙米镉含量。
- The effect of the concentration and the spraying value of passivator on CRI and CSR of coke are studied in laboratories. 实验室研究了钝化剂溶液浓度和喷洒量两因素对焦炭反应性(CRI)、反应后强度(CSR)的影响规律。
- The recent research development of metal passivator's preparation methods, its application and physicochemical property are reviewed. 从制备方法、使用性能以及理化性质3个方面综合论述了国内外金属钝化剂研究的进展情况。
- BL-628 is a kind of macromolecule anti-oxygen polymerization inhibitor.It is composed of antioxidant, metal passivator, detergent and dispersant. 北京 本品是一种高分子抗氧阻聚剂,含有抗氧成分、金属钝化成分和清净分散成分。
- AbstractThe formulation,technical properties and appli-cation results of a novel coniplex passivator havebeen described. 介绍一种新型复合缓蚀钝化剂的配制方法、技术性能和应用效果。
- Rormula of pretrcatment,composition of phosphating liquid and selection of passivator in after-treatmentare described mainly. 主要介绍磷化前处理配方、磷化处理磷化液的成份及磷化后处理钝化剂的选择。
- Metal passivator can inhibit nickel and vanadium pollution on the catalytic cracking catalysts and improve the property of polluted catalysts. 从制备方法、使用性能以及理化性质3个方面综合论述了国内外金属钝化剂研究的进展情况。
- Ni,V,Na in the dead oil will pollute catalysts seriously during fluid catalytic cracking(FCC). The research progress inland and abroad of metal passivator was reviewed. 重油中所含的金属Ni、V、Na在流化催化裂化 (FCC)过程中 ,会污染催化剂 ,导致催化剂失活。
- BL-628Y is polymerization inhibitor for ethylene installation compressors.It is composed of antioxidant, metal passivator, and detergent and dispersant. 北京本品是乙烯装置压缩机用阻垢剂,含有抗氧成分、金属钝化成分和清净分散成分。
- Photometric passivator licensing products for my company based on international 90's at the end of the latest passivator own research and development products. 光度牌钝化剂系列产品为我公司基于国际90年代末最新钝化剂自行研制,开发的产品。
- A commercial test of MPN passivator added into a FCCU indicated that the light oil yield increased by 2.5 percentages, and the hydrogen and coke on spent catalyst decreased by 35% and 9.42% respectively. 工业试验结果表明 ;在FCC装置中使用MPN使轻油收率提高 2 .;5个百分点;氢气产率下降 35%25;待生剂上的积炭量下降 9
- The environmental friendly nickel passivator( PPN) consisting of phosphate salts can decrease the yields of hydrogen and coke by 35% and 10% respectively, while increasing the yield of gasoline by 1%. 工业试验表明,在催化裂化催化剂上的镍污染量高达1%25时,环境友好型磷酸盐钝镍剂仍能使汽油收率提高1%25,氢气产率和焦炭产率分别下降35%25和10%25以上,显示出良好的钝镍效果。
- MT-382 is water base brightening passivator for copper and aluminum working pieces.Contains metal protective agent and brightener to improve corrosion inhibition and renew metal original color. MT-382系水基铜、铝件光亮钝化剂,内含多种金属保护剂和光亮剂,提高铜、铝件的耐蚀性,恢复金属的本色。
- The existing methods of zinc plating blackening by black passivating, coloring, dyeing, etc. are studied, and the high resistance to corrosion of the passivator is highlighted. 综述了镀锌层黑钝化、着色、染色等黑化处理的方法,重点研究了高抗蚀的黑钝化处理。
- This text attends concern of plate 9 problems about passivating of galvanizing turns to do understanding to answer.Public a few formulas about passivator. 本文就读者关心的镀锌钝化的9个问题作了解答,公开了几种钝化剂配方。