- Five years have passed as a watch in the night. 五年很快就过去了。
- pass as a watch in the night v. 很快被忘记
- He's not in the first grade as a musician. 他不是第一流的音乐家。
- She was active as a left-winger in the party. 她是党内积极的左翼分子。
- Charles is still in the running as a possible next head of the firm. 查理斯仍有希望当这家公司下一任的主管。
- She works in the office as a temporary. 她在办公室做临时雇员。
- They dunked her in the swimming-pool as a joke. 他们跟她开玩笑,把她往游泳池里浸了一下。
- For years the picture passed as a genuine Rembrandt. 几年来此画被看做是林布兰的真迹。
- The king is represented as a villain in the play. 在这出剧中把国王刻画成一个反面人物。
- The houses appeared as a blur in the mist. 那些房子在雾中显得一片模糊。
- He acted as a pantaloon in the play. 他在剧中扮演老旦。
- A small natural or artificial gem used as a bearing in a watch. 钻石小的天然的或人造宝石,用作手表中的轴承
- She acted as a minor role in the play. 她在剧中扮演了一个次要的角色。
- She set up shop as a bookseller in the High Street. 她在大街开了一家书店。
- Clearly Eliza will not pass as a duchess. 很明显,伊莉莎现在还不能被当作公爵夫人。
- He enlisted as a soldier in the army as soon as he was old enough. 他年龄一到就入伍当兵了。
- The mountains in the border area are as beautiful as a painting. 边陲山区的风光美丽如画。
- Nothing spoil a romance so much as a sense of humor in the woman. 没有一样事情比女性的幽默感更有伤风流韵事的了。
- I set myself down as a journalist in the hotel register. 我在旅馆登记薄上以新闻记者的身份登了记。
- As a cub reporter he would learn the facts of life in the newspaper world. 作为一名初出茅庐的记者,他要了解报界生涯的内幕。