- part brass rags with somebody ((俚))不再与某人保持亲密关系
- If you dare to use that word in my hearing again, we part brass rags. 如果你敢于当着我的面说那个词,咱俩就一刀两断。
- If you dare to use that word in my hearing again,we part brass rags. 如果你敢于当着我的面说那个词,咱俩就一刀两断。
- part brass rags with vt. 吵嘴(不再保持亲密关系)
- part brass rags with sb 不再同某人保持亲密关系
- part brass rags with someone 参照 rag
- part brass rags vt. 吵嘴(不再保持亲密关系)
- part brass rags (with) someone 跟某人吵嘴
- I passed him in the park, arguing with somebody. 我在公园里从他身边走过,他在和一个人辩论。
- Relations with somebody were still in deep freeze. 同某人的关系仍然极度冷淡。
- I passed him in the park,arguing with somebody. 我在公园里从他身边走过,他在和一个人辩论。
- IE: to place an order with somebody. 和某人订订单。
- He asked me to fix him up with somebody. 昨天他让我帮他介绍女朋友。
- Plead, plead with somebody to do something. 表示请求某人做某事。
- C. She seemed to be talking with somebody. 她似乎在和人谈话。
- I felt a sudden urge to talk with somebody. 我突然感到一种想和什么人说说话的冲动。
- I got fed up sitting there and chewing the rag with the gang like theirs. 我特别讨厌和他们那帮人在那里山南海北的闲聊。
- Do you think he would have a love affair with somebody? 你说他有没有外遇?
- Don't fall in love with somebody who doesn't love you back. 不要爱上不用爱回报你的人。
- Well, having dinner with somebody is not a big deal, isn't it? 某人共进晚餐也不是什么大不了的事!