- If you dare to use that word in my hearing again, we part brass rags. 如果你敢于当着我的面说那个词,咱俩就一刀两断。
- part brass rags with somebody ((俚))不再与某人保持亲密关系
- If you dare to use that word in my hearing again,we part brass rags. 如果你敢于当着我的面说那个词,咱俩就一刀两断。
- part brass rags with vt. 吵嘴(不再保持亲密关系)
- part brass rags with sb 不再同某人保持亲密关系
- part brass rags with someone 参照 rag
- part brass rags vt. 吵嘴(不再保持亲密关系)
- part brass rags (with) someone 跟某人吵嘴
- I got fed up sitting there and chewing the rag with the gang like theirs. 我特别讨厌和他们那帮人在那里山南海北的闲聊。
- It's sad that we have to part company with them. 很遗憾我们要与他们分别了。
- Do not part with the shares on any account. 无论如何不要放弃这些股票。
- The old man invited them to go inside.A few filthy and ugly beggars in rags with uncombed long hair were inside the hut. 屋里已有几个乞丐,都是披散著头发,穿著补了又补的破衣,样子肮脏丑陋。
- Wet a rag with a solvent such as nail polish remover and rub away stains. Use white rags to avoid staining the countertop with fabric dye. 用洗甲水将破布弄湿,而后将污点除去。主要要使用白布,以避免纤维染料弄脏工作台。
- My average life is 18 months, during which I change from a crisp bill to a limp rag with broken edges and turned corners. 我的平均寿命是18个月,在此期间我从一张挺括的纸币变成一张软绵绵的边也坏了,角也折了的破票子。
- I love my dog and I would never part with him. 我爱我的狗,决不愿和它分离。
- I'm afraid I have to part company with you there. 看来在这一点上我不敢苟同。
- Nobody went to stop him.He got a dusty face and bloodshot eyes.His clothes became ragged with blood all over. 他满脸灰尘,双眼布满血丝,浑身上下破烂不堪,到处是血迹。
- He took part with her in the quarrel. 在争执中,他站在她一边。
- Let other soldiers limp by in rags with their feet tied up in sacks and strips of carpet, but not Ashley. He should come home on a prancing horse, dressed in fine clothes and shining boots, a plume in his hat. 让别的士兵穿着破衣烂衫,用麻布袋和破毡条裹着脚,一瘸一拐去走路吧,但艾希礼可不行:他应当骑一匹风驰电掣般的快马,穿着整洁的戎装,登着雪亮的靴子,帽子上插着羽毛,威风凛凛地赶回家来。
- He acted this part as though he had been fainting with desire. 他演这一角色演得好像欲望令他变成如痴如狂一般。