- A member of a paramilitary force. 一个准军队的成员
- But the government dispatched paramilitary forces to root out militant strongholds near Peshawar, the capital of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province. 但是,巴基斯坦政府还是派遣了准军事部队去消灭西北边境省首府白沙瓦附近的激进组织据点。
- The Bosnian Serbs, backed by the Serb-dominated Yugoslav military and paramilitary forces, quickly seized control of most of the country and laid siege to Sarajevo, the capital. 波黑塞族,在以塞族人为主的南斯拉夫军队和准军事力量的支持下,迅速的控制了这个国家的大多数地区,并包围了首都萨拉热窝。
- Baden, Jampa and Tashi all say life has been more difficult for Tibetans since protests a year ago turned violent and were brutally repressed by Chinese paramilitary forces. 巴登,强巴和扎西都说自从去年的抗议变成暴力,被中国军队残酷镇压之后,藏人的生活变得更困难了。
- Killings near the huge Freeport-McMoRan gold and copper mine in July seemed as likely to be the result of a feud between the army, police and paramilitary forces as an attack by secessionists. 六月发生在自由港麦克莫兰铜金公司附近的杀戮似乎更像是横梗在军队、警方和议会之间的宿仇的结果,而这一结果并不亚于来自分裂派的袭击。
- By then, Serb paramilitary forces had begun killing unarmed Muslims, driving them from their homes in Serb-dominated areas in the hope of carving up Bosnia into ethnic enclaves, or cantons, by force. 那时候,塞族准军事部队已开始杀害手无寸铁的穆斯林,在塞族占多数的地方把他们赶离家园,希望以武力把波斯尼亚分割成一块块民族聚居地,或称为“小型行政区”。
- According to some reports, the assailants belong to a local paramilitary force called the Village Guards, which would have given them access to weapons and explosives. 根据一些报道显示,攻击人员来自一个名为村庄保卫队的地方军事武装力量组织,他们的武器装备和手榴弹都是由该组织所提供。
- When they saw that their final appeal had failed, the colonists formed their own paramilitary force, comprised of peasants and known as the “ronderos”. 然 而深知媒体功能的外来移民,邀请一个地方电视台见证全程经过。秘鲁政府由于不愿冒险与地方关系破裂,被迫放弃行动。
- Angry Indian Muslims threw stones at the paramilitary force after a powerful bomb blasted the 450 year-old Mecca Mosque, in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh on May 18, 2007. 2007年5月18日,安得拉邦,海德拉巴地区,一座有450年历史的清真寺被一枚强大的炸弹击中,愤怒的印度穆斯林超非正规军队投掷石块儿。
- According to some reports, the asailings assailants belong to a local paramilitary force called the villege guards Village Guards, which would have given them access to weapons and explosives. 一些消息称,袭击者是当地叫做村庄守卫的一个准军队组织的人,这给了他们得到武器和炸弹的途径。
- Large air and navel forces were set into action. 庞大的空军和海军部队开始行动了。
- Dispersion of forces led up to the defeat. 分散兵力是导致失败的原因。
- Air pressure forces the water through the pipe. 空气压力使水通过管道。
- The rebellion was crushed by government forces. 政府军已把叛乱镇压下去。
- The forces met with strong opposition. 军队遇到强烈的抵抗。
- The forces of reaction made reform difficult. 反动势力给改革造成了困难。
- Our forces retired to prepared positions. 我们的部队撤退到既设阵地上。
- The army defied the enemy's forces. 这支军队英勇抗敌。