- Results Simulation study shows that parameters estimations are approximately unbiased in MCMC when large sample size. 结果模拟研究表明大样本时MCMC法可得到近似无偏的参数估计。
- Data requirements of parameter estimations are thus reduced. 此方法可确实简化参数的估计与缩减其所需历史资料量。
- The computational results indicate that parameters estimation by Bayesian method and MCMC sampling has a high precision. 计算结果表明采用贝叶斯推理获得的模型参数估计具有很高的精度。
- Comparison of growth parameters estimated for the yellowfin tuna in the Pacific ocean. 西部太平洋黄鳍鲔胃内含物之研究。
- Recognition and parameters estimation of the polyphase-coded radar signals are discussed in this paper. 该文研究了多相码雷达信号的识别与参数估计。
- Abstract: This paper generalizes WCF method to the cases of parameters' estimators being not independent. 摘要该文将求参数函数置信下限的WCF方法推广到参数的估计量之间具有相关性的一般情形;
- A simplified on-line multivariable stochastic system state model parameters estimation algorithm is developed. 本文提出了一种简化的多变量随机系统状态模型参数在线辨识方法。
- MLE is a common parameters estimation method and EM algorithm makes its application more extensive. 而极大似然估计是一种常用的参数估计方法,EM算法使其应用更加广泛。
- All the bioeconomic parameters estimated from the dynamic equilibrium ecosystem will be definitely traced and reevaluated yearly in future to manage the resource efficiently. 针对本研究所估算生物经济之各类参数,未来应持续追踪,并重覆修正,提升该资源经济之管理效率。
- PHOEBE (Physics Of Eclipsing Binaries): a WD98 front-end for automated numerical minimization and physical parameters' estimation. 是一个为自动数字极小化和物理参数评价提供的一个WD98前端。
- In the teaching of probability and statistics, the parameters estimation of linear regression is given by the method of the extremum of function. 摘要概率论与数理统计教学中,线性回归分析参数估计一般都是采用多元函数求极值的方法。
- The method suggested is applied to the parameters estimation of time varying long memory SV model of return series of China stock markets. 用该方法对中国股市收益进行了时变长记忆SV模型参数的估计。
- In this paper, the methods of ERP parameters estimation based on IGS SINEX file of GPS solution are discussed in details. 摘要利用IGS所发布的对GPS全球站处理后形成的单天解SINEX文件,通过参数转换和附有限制条件的间接平差两种不同的思路,详细推导了ERP参数的估计方法。
- PHOEBE: PHysics Of Eclipsing Binaries - PHOEBE (Physics Of Eclipsing Binaries): a WD98 front-end for automated numerical minimization and physical parameters' estimation. 是一个为自动数字极小化和物理参数评价提供的一个WD98前端。
- This paper studies emphatically on the problem of filtering divergence when applies kalman filtering in the parameters estimation of electrostatic supported gyro monitor(ESGM). 本文重点研究了卡尔曼滤波在静电陀螺监控器(ESGM)参数估计应用中滤波发散的问题。
- The simulation shows that this data transition method conduces to improve the parameters estimation precision, and the algorithm dynamic performance is ameliorated too. 模拟结果表明这种方法在信号参数估计精度和动态跟踪性能等方面都能够满足高动态环境的要求。
- For the nonstandard multi-sensor fusion system with observation system error, an effective observation system error parameters estimation model is established. 针对存在量测系统误差的非标准多传感器融合系统,构建了一种有效的系统误差参数估计模型。
- Based on indoor RSS, a new 'distance-loss' model, and parameters estimation by curve fitting based on the relative received signal strength at known distance, are proposed. 摘要基于室内RSS,提出了一种用于室内用户定位的传播距离-损耗模型,由一些已知距离下的相对接收功率值拟合得到模型参数;
- In this paper by analyzing experimental data, a colored Gaussian noise model and a harmonic signal model are proposed, with model parameters estimated by the high-order cumulant. 通过分析实测数据提出了生命探测雷达高斯色噪声杂波模型和谐波生命信号模型。